Work Package 1: Health equity and diversity in PA policy
To mainstream health equity into all IMPAQT activities by (i) reviewing and synthesizing evidence on health equity in PA and on enhancing health equity through PA policy and (ii) using the evidence to provide equity guidance on relevant aspects of all WPs.
Work Package 2: Adaptation of PA-EPI into PA-EPIQ
To use an evidence-informed process to further develop the existing PA-EPI into a PA-EPIQ that (i) meets equity recommendations derived from WP1 and (ii) is suitable for implementation at both national and subnational contexts.
Work Package 3: Evidence identification, synthesis and appraisal
To provide the evidence base to conduct the PA-EPIQ in IMPAQT countries by collating (i) existing evidence on PA policy effectiveness, (ii) an international evidence document with examples of equitable PA policies, and (iii) national evidence documents for each country describing national PA policies and their implementation status.
Work Package 4: Validation of evidence for policy implementation
To validate the contents of each country’s national evidence document compiled by WP3 by (i) recruiting relevant national and (where appropriate) subnational policymakers and (ii) collaborating with them to assess the level of implementation of national PA policies in relation to the PA-EPIQ’s 45 good practice statements.
Work Package 5: Citizen and expert stakeholder participation
To benchmark national PA policies by forming national expert councils and national citizen councils to (i) assess national policy implementation using the PA-EPIQ and its best practice exemplars and (ii) co-create recommendations for national PA policy with a focus on increasing health equity in and through PA.
Work Package 6: Policy-level recommendations and advocacy
To advocate for PA and health equity across Europe by (i) collating PA-EPIQ scores and evaluating PA-EPIQ processes across the IMPAQT countries, (ii) generating policy recommendations, and (iii) engaging the European Parliament, the EU PA Focal Point Network, and WHO to promote the PA-EPIQ and health equity in PA.
Work Package 7: Dissemination and management
To (i) co-ordinate the IMPAQT consortium, including communication between partners, links between WPs, and appropriate ethics and data management, and to (ii) disseminate IMPAQT findings as broadly as possible.