To benchmark national PA policies by forming national expert councils and national citizen councils to (i) assess national policy implementation using the PA-EPIQ and its best practice exemplars and (ii) co-create recommendations for national PA policy with a focus on increasing health equity in and through PA.

Lead: AUMC


Start Month: 18

End Month: 31

WP5 Objectives

  1. To identify and facilitate the participation of relevant stakeholder groups – a PA-EPIQ Expert Council, and a PA-EPIQ Citizen Council - throughout the different IMPAQT phases and tasks.
  2. To benchmark the extent of government policy implementation and actions, or inaction, against the PA-EPIQ good practice statements and international best practice exemplars.
  3. To engage both PA-EPIQ Councils in the development of country-specific PA-EPIQ report cards, with policy-level recommendations to overcome crucial implementation gaps in each country.

Principal Investigator: Professor Catherine WoodsIMPAQT

Physical Activity for Health (PAfH) Research Centre
Health Research Institute
Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences
Faculty of Education and Health Sciences
University of Limerick
