16 Dec 2020

WATCH: UL and Analog Devices partner on digital learning tool to recreate lab environment at home

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15 Dec 2020

University of Limerick to collaborate on €5m climate change research project

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14 Dec 2020

University of Limerick president announces outstanding research collaboration winner

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14 Dec 2020

Research projects at University of Limerick funded under COVID-19 Rapid Response Call

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11 Dec 2020

UL-hosted Confirm research centre launches ‘fantastic’ new digital manufacturing facility

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10 Dec 2020

University of Limerick and TENI launch gender identity e-resource for schools

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09 Dec 2020

University of Limerick professor highly commended in IRC Researcher of the Year awards

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09 Dec 2020

New UL clinical research finds promising treatment to protect kidney function in diabetes

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07 Dec 2020

UL’s Greentown Project wins first place at European Crime Prevention Awards

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27 Nov 2020

Research Impact Podcast: Zero Hours and Low Hours Work in Ireland

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26 Nov 2020

A fifth Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow joins UL

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24 Nov 2020

Lero poll shows 280% rise in people attending virtual GP clinics

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