Accelerating Onset of Puberty Through Modification of Early Life Nutrition Induces Modest but Persistent Changes in Bull Sperm DNA Methylation Profiles Post-puberty

Perrier J.P.;Kenny D.A.;Chaulot-Talmon A.;Byrne C.J.;Sellem E.;Jouneau L.;Aubert-Frambourg A.;Schibler L.;Jammes H.;Lonergan P.;Fair S.;Kiefer H. (2020) Accelerating Onset of Puberty Through Modification of Early Life Nutrition Induces Modest but Persistent Changes in Bull Sperm DNA Methylation Profiles Post-puberty. Frontiers In Genetics


ACR Conference

Casey, K., M. Lichrou and L. O'Malley (2020) ACR Conference.