Launch of Research Week 2025: Showcase of UL's Internal Research Centres
Time: 11am to 1.30pm
Location: ERB001
UL Vice President Research and Innovation, Professor Kevin Ryan welcomes you to the launch of Research Week 2025 followed by Showcase of six of UL's Internal research centres. At the core of UL’s research are strong academic disciplines, through which collaboration and innovation have impact across society. UL’s internal research centres bring together critical masses of expertise from across a variety of disciplines to proactively collaborate and conduct their focused research. This event raises awareness of UL’s internal research centre community and showcases six of UL’s internal research centres. Centre Leadership will provide overviews of their research centres and highlight notable research and innovation activities by the centre. Event will be chaired by Dr Niall Keely, Research Institutes & Centres Officer and hosted by Post-Award Support & Compliance, Research Support Services, Office of the Vice President Research and Innovation. Lunch will be provided from 1pm.

Beyond health and happiness: Serotonin and immunity as influencers of cancers (LDCRC event)
Time: 2pm to 3pm
Location: ERB001
Serotonin is widely known as the “happiness hormone” of our brains that is responsible for our good mood. And the immune system is known to attack the dangerous invaders and protect the body from harm. But do we know that serotonin and the immune system have a dark side, as they can induce and promote cancers?
This event will be interactive and informative with a participant quiz to start. The Chair, Professor Paul Murray will introduce the panel members, Dr Jeremiah Stanley and Dr Aisling Ross, and give a brief overview of his expertise on Epstein Barr virus induced lymphomas. This will be followed by lectures by the panel members on serotonin’s role in viral and cancer pathogenesis, and anti-tumoral immune responses. Dr Stanley and Dr Ross will present the findings of their research work conducted in Bernal biolabs at UL, intriguing the audience about the methods used and findings. This will be followed by a Q & A session.

Health Research Institute: Implementation science - bridging the gap between knowledge and practice
Time: 3.15pm to 4.30pm
Location: ERB001
An interactive workshop applying implementation science to a real-world problem.Chaired by Dr Laura Keyes (Director Centre for Implementation Research, University of Limerick CIRcUL) it will include guest speakers, Professor Allison Metz (Director of Implementation Practice, University of North Carolina), Professor Geoff Curran (Director Centre for Implementation Research, University of Arkansas) and Professor Laurence Taggart (Professor of Implementation Science, Queen’s University Belfast). This workshop will be delivered in person and the guest speakers will delivery their talks remotely during the event.