Collaborating with Mathematicians: Asking the right questions, getting the right answers
Time: 9.30am to 11am
Location: ERB001
There is an increasing need to form successful interdisciplinary research partnerships. But this can be challenging giving the differing terminologies and philosophical approaches of increasingly specialised research disciplines. In this innovative format, researchers from University of Limerick’s Mathematical Applications Consortium for Science and Industry (MACSI) research centre will present a series of case-studies on their collaborations and then discuss them with their collaborators to explore what makes a successful collaboration. The session will be introduced and moderated by MACSI Co-director Professor Norma Bargary.

Health Research Institute: Ethical implications of patient and public involvement in health research
Time: 9.30am to 11.30am
Location: Pavilion
Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) in research involves researchers working in collaboration with patients, carers, families, service users or the public to plan, design, manage, conduct, disseminate and translate research. It is imperative that researchers, research ethics boards and academic institutions training health professionals are educated in ethical PPI to build capacity for impactful partnerships that reflect key ethical principles, values and standards. This 2 hour workshop will offer learners an overview of key ethical considerations in the conduct of Public and Patient Involvement in health and social care research, and practical advice on how to engage diverse research partners in safe and meaningful collaborations. This workshop will close with the official launch of the new publication of an edited book by the workshop leaders which offers in depth chapters on each of the key ethical principles and their applications, written by contributors and their PPI collaborators.

UL PhD candidate experiences of doctoral education
Time: 11.30am to 1pm
Location: ERB001
The Irish National Framework for Doctoral Education was updated in 2023 to underpin excellence in doctoral education in Ireland by providing a set of nine principles for doctoral education. These principles reflect factors identified in numerous studies as supportive of doctoral candidate well-being or success. This event will incorporate three parts:
Part 1: A presentation on data from a UL study that explored doctoral education experiences of UL candidates and interrogated the extent to which their experiences reflect the principles of the Irish National Framework for Doctoral Education.
Part 2: A panel of PhD candidates and PhD supervisors who will respond to the presentation of data
Part 3: An open discussion on how to heighten the doctoral experience at UL

Tips & Tricks for crafting winning research proposals
Time: 1pm to 2pm
Location: Online
Dr Martina Prendergast will draw from her observations from over 23 years of reviewing and writing grant proposals. Attendees will hear tips like why you should always compose the title and acronym last and why you shouldn’t ever do it on your own! You’ll learn tricks like front-loading the important info at start of sections and why clever formatting keeps the evaluators’ attention. Come along and learn hacks for good time management, version control, the art of brevity and some critical ‘Dos and Don’ts’ for writing competitive proposals.

Health Research Institute: Symposium on Integrated Cancer Medicine: Technologies, imaging and AI redefining cancers research and care
Time: 2pm to 5.30pm
Location: ERB001
The Limerick Digital Cancer Research Centre (LDCRC) will host a symposium on Integrated Cancer Medicine. This event will highlight ongoing cross-faculty, interdisciplinary research at UL/UHL with an emphasis on breast cancer and blood cancer. This is an opportunity to connect with researchers from a wide range of disciplines, across all career levels.

An overview of ResearchComp: benefits and practical examples when considering individual professional development plans
Time: 2.30pm to 3pm
Location: Online
UL realigned its Researcher Development Programme with ResearchComp: The European Competency Framework for Researchers in 2024. What is ResearchComp, and more importantly how can we use it to develop our transferrable skillset?