Dr Clancy has research interests in statistical and non-linear physics specifically complex systems, emergent behaviour and dynamic phase transitions.
Throughout his career Dr Clancy has worked on a wide range of projects including modelling
- earthquakes and their statistical characteristics;
- electromigration in interconnects;
- inkjet printing for conductive interconnects;
- pore growth in Indium-Phosphide.
He has supervised PhD students on modelling force-chains in granular media; molecular dynamics simulation of copper nanocrystals; and creating the digital twin of a Transmission Electron Microscope. He also collaborated on a project looking at the stability of polymers embedded with gold nanoparticles.
He is currently co-supervising PhD students in the following areas:
- The formation of spiral arms in galaxies;
- The role of gender and career aspirations in the choice of physics as a leaving certificate subject.
In addition Dr Clancy teaches:
- PH4005 Introduction to Computational Physics
- PH4171 Mechanics / PH4003 Mechanical Energy
- PH4042 Thermal Physics
- PH4132 Modern Physics
The first is an applied physics module taken in students’ third year to teach students how to program and how to implement numerical methods to solve problems commonly found in physics and engineering. The others are fundamental physics modules. All these modules include real-world quantitative examples in addition to practical lab experiments allowing the development of deep understanding of theoretical concepts.
Dr Clancy is the Course Director for LM125 Physics (Common Entry). He has previously been Course Director for the BSc in Applied Physics and MSc in Applied Physics.
Dr Clancy was a member of the team to successfully gain funding to create the Professional Diploma in Teaching Physics with the first cohort of students starting in 2021. This programme teaches current secondary school teachers the physics required to gain accreditation from the Teaching Council to teach physics.
PhD, University of Limerick (1999 -- 2004)
BSc in Applied Physics, University of Limerick (1995 -- 1999)
E. Dalton, I. Clancy, D. Corcoran, A. Arshak, and G. Gooberman, On-Off Intermittency and Criticality in Early Stage Electromigration, Physical Review Letters 104, 214101 (2010).
G. Amarandei, I. Clancy, C. O’Dwyer, A. Arshak, and D. Corcoran, Stability of Ultrathin Nanocomposite Polymer Films Controlled by the Embedding of Gold Nanoparticles, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 6, 20758 (2014).
B. W. Fitzgerald, I. Clancy, and D. Corcoran, Bridging Percolation and Particle Dynamics Models of the Granular Rigidity Transition, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 410, 582 (2014).
I. Clancy, G. Amarandei, C. Nash, and B. A. Glowacki, Metal Particle Compaction during Drop-Substrate Impact for Inkjet Printing and Drop-Casting Processes, Journal of Applied Physics 119, 054903 (2016).
N. Quill, I. Clancy, S. Nakahara, S. Belochapkine, C. O’Dwyer, D. N. Buckley, and R. P. Lynch, Process of Formation of Porous Layers in N-InP, ECS Transactions 77, 67 (2017).
D. Landers, I. Clancy, D. Weber, R. E. Dunin-Borkowski, and A. Stewart, TEMGYM Basic: Transmission Electron Microscopy Simulation Software for Teaching and Training of Microscope Operation, J Appl Cryst 56, 4 (2023).
D. Landers, I. Clancy, R. E. Dunin-Borkowski, D. Weber, and A. A. Stewart, TEMGYM Advanced – NanoMi Lens Characterisation, Micron 169, 103450 (2023).
D. Landers, I. Clancy, R. E. Dunin-Borkowski, D. Weber, and A. Stewart, TEMGYM Advanced: Software for Electron Lens Aberrations and Parallelised Electron Ray Tracing, Ultramicroscopy 250, 113738 (2023).