Our young and dynamic Department of Physics inspires enquiry, excellence and innovation in physics and energy. We are an applied physics department having many links to industry through our graduates and research collaborations.
Our graduates have a clear and detailed understanding of the world around them and strong problem solving skills. These attributes are highly valued, and our graduates are in demand in the areas of their choice: from Medical Physics to Finance and from Semiconductors to Energy and Climate. Our researchers are members of the Bernal Institute at UL one of the leading research institutes in Ireland. The FEI Titan Transmission Electron Microscope in this institute is a cutting edge multimillion euro instrument capable of imaging on an atom by atom basis. It is run by one of us, the Bernal Chair of Microscopy Professor Ursel Bangert, a world leading electron microscopy researcher.

Physics Calendar
The Physics Department Calendar is one central reference point for important events, seminars, workshops, conferences and meetings. Please navigate below to see the scheduled events updated monthly in a calendar year.
15.12.2022: Event: Department of Physics Strategic Meeting & Inaugural Lecture Celebration