Every quarter, the newsletter will provide information on upcoming bursary, scholarship and funding opportunities, from undergraduates to staff in the department.
If you think we have omitted an opportunity that might be relevant to students or staff, please feel free to contact lauraine.howley@ul.ie.
Summary Table:
Scholarship: |
Relevant to: |
Important Dates: |
Ei Electronics Women in Engineering Scholarship |
Undergraduates |
February 2024 |
Summer Bursary Research Program |
Undergraduates |
Spring 2024 |
PhD Studentship – Sustainable Development Goals |
Incoming PhD students |
August 21st 2023 |
SFI Centre for Research Training in Foundations of Data Science |
Undergraduate/Masters |
February 2024 |
SFI Centre for Research Training in Artificial Intelligence |
Undergraduate/Masters |
February 2024 |
Laura Bassi Scholarship |
Master’s/PhD/Junior Academic |
25th July 2023 |
The Ei Electronics Women in Engineering Scholarship (Undergraduate):
Aimed at 1st year female students in a number of STEM courses in UL including Mathematics common entry and Physics common entry.
Awards 3 years of funding to 1 student (€2500 per annum)
The next application deadline will be in February 2024.
For more information, visit: http://www.eielectronics.com/ul-Scholarship/
Summer Bursary Research program (Undergraduate):
Conduct research over the summer months of your undergraduate degree (~10 weeks in duration)
A QCA ≥ 3.25 is needed to apply.
There is a Spring deadline for this award, but we strongly encourage prospective undergraduate students to reach out to supervisors in advance.
For more information, visit: https://www.ul.ie/scieng/news/se-summer-bursary-research-programme
SFI Centre for Research Training in Foundations of Data Science (4th Year Undergraduate/Masters):
4-year PhD program based in UL, UCD and Maynooth.
Includes 30 credits of modules, a group project, an individual project and a 12-week industry internship in 1st year. An individual research topic is then selected for the remaining 3 years.
A note from Program Manager Janet Clifford:
The Science Foundation Ireland Centre for Research Training (CRT) in Foundations of Data Science is a doctoral training programme that will train 128 students with a world-class foundational understanding in Applied Mathematics, Statistics, and Machine Learning. The CRT is hosted across three institutions, UL, UCD, and MU, with a current student body of 113 full-time PhD students in training.
Fully funded studentships (tuition and €18,500 annual stipend) are available for 4 years based at each of the host institutions.
SFI Centre for Research Training in Artificial Intelligence (4th Year Undergraduate/Masters):
4-year PhD program based in UL, UCC, DCU, UCG and Trinity College.
Similar to the Data Science CRT, it pairs a taught program (1st year) with a 3 month industry placement each year for the first 3 years of the program.
2024 deadline will likely be in February.
For more information, visit: http://crt-ai.cs.ucc.ie/programme.html
PhD Studentship – Sustainable Development Goals
The UL doctoral college is offering 5 scholarships to incoming PhD students
Students should frame their research in the context of UL’s 2030 Sustainability Framework and Sustainable Development Goals
Applicants should have an upper second-class honour’s bachelor’s degree or higher, or a Masters degree at honour’s level
Scholarships are valued at a €25,000 stipend and are not inclusive of fees. Eligible direct research expenses are also not included in the stipend.
The application deadline is the 21st of August 2023. For more information, visit: https://www.ul.ie/research/doctoral-college/postgraduate-research-scholarships
Laura Bassi Scholarship (Master’s/PhD/Junior Academic):
This scholarship focusses on early career academics whose research centres on neglected topics within their broader research discipline.
Successful awardees receive funding for editorial assistance (Master’s: $750, PhD: $2,500, Junior Academic: $500)
Calls for applications are tri-annual (Winter, Spring, and Summer) – the next application deadline is the 25th of July 2023.
For more information, visit: https://editing.press/bassi