Performance and Achievement
Biennial Photonics Ireland Conference (4th to 6th September 2023)
The 10th instalment of the Biennial Photonics Ireland Conference 2023 took place in the Bernal Institute, University of Limerick from 4th – 6th September, organized by Dr Ning Liu and Prof Christophe Silien from the Department of Physics at UL.
Photonics Ireland is the premier event in Ireland bringing together key people in the academic and industry sectors to present state of the art research and challenges in the area of photonics, on national and international levels.

The 19th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Electrets [ISE19], took place on 18th – 22nd September, in Linz, Austria.
The Soft Matter Physics group at the Johannes Kepler University hosted the conference. The conference is sponsored by the IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society.

Talk on History of Electrochemistry by Prof Noel Buckley
A fantastic presentation by Prof. Noel Buckley, a talk on the history of electrochemistry at the ECS Meeting in Gothenburg held in October 2023.
The slides of the talk are available at https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1QPfJWtJsQGO1x3kAoaTkMcGHWYgoD_R3/edit?u sp=drive_link&ouid=106752675207093926280&rtpof=true&sd=true with a video recording link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JZfR2RogmsYnL7DjaOLHlTGsetdTnevH/view?usp=drivelink.

Associate Professor Sarah Guerin, won the Science Foundation Ireland Early Career Researcher of the Year on Oct 12 2023, a formidable scientist who has built up an extensive repertoire of awards and research in her career so far. Principal Investigator of the Actuate Lab, currently working on both in-silico and ex-silico engineering of biomolecular crystals, primarily for application areas in eco-friendly sensing and pharmaceuticals. Sarah is an established member and investigator within SSPC’s Modelling Theme, working with experimentalists and industry to make more efficient drug products, among many other things.

Professor Ravi Kumar from Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras) visited the Department of Physics in UL to deliver an excellent presentation on Tuesday, 28th November 2023 in MSG-024/025 at Bernal Institute, UL titled ‘Architectural Design and Small-Scale Mechanical Testing of Advanced Ceramics’.

Prof. Ursel Bangert from Department of Physics University of Limerick delivers an excellent talk on "Revealing the Structure and Dynamics of Materials via Atomic Scale, Combined with In- Situ Imaging and Spectroscopy" at the Bernal Institute, UL

Assistant Professor Shayon Bhattacharya from the Department of Physics receives the President’s Research Excellence and Impact Award in the category of Research Output. The awards recognise staff who have made outstanding contributions in the excellence and impact of their research (beyond academia). Shayon has an abundance of impacts from his research, for example, he has teamed up with a research team from Institute of Biology Valrose (iBV) in France to publish in the world-leading Nature Communications journal.