UL Signs a Dual Master Programme with leading Educational Institute BUET in
The University of Limerick (UL), Ireland and Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
(BUET), Bangladesh have signed a joint Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to start a Dual
Master programme. Professor Nigel Healey, Vice President Global and Community Engagement
and Professor Satya Prasad Majumdar, Vice Chancellor of BUET signed this document on 13
March 2024.

The launch of Science on Screen Animations, as part of the SUPERHUMANS MedTech Exhibit, showcasing current projects funded by CÚRAM in association with Ardán, and Galway City Museum, was held on Wednesday 26th June. PhD student, Kristine O’Dwyer, was in attendance to represent Prof. Tofail Syed and Dr. Krittish Roy, of our Physics Dept. and their project ‘Electrically Polar Biodegradable Coatings for Inhibiting Biofouling in Urinary Stents’. If you would like to see the 1 minute video designed to showcase their work, please follow the link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLN1WRsNqM-GeQi_zWC3aVs5uVGxEXYg6b

We had a lovely visit with St. Gabriel's School on Thursday 4th July.
Kristine O'Dwyer from the Physics Dept. and Eoin McNamara from the Chemical Sciences Dept. provided a workshop for the St. Gabriel's School Summer Camp 2024, showcasing some cool experiments for the kids and staff to participate in. It was a great day and lovely to see everyone enjoying physics, chemistry and ice-cream on the day!