David graduated from the University of Limerick with a BSc in Applied Physics in 2021 and is currently doing my PhD with the Science Foundation Ireland Centre for Research Training in Foundations of Data Science.
During his Bachelor’s, David completed a summer internship where he characterised the piezoelectric properties of the ceramic PZT. He also completed an internship at the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE in Freiburg, Germany. This involved the deposition and characterization of thin film structures for use in different solar thermal applications. His bachelor’s thesis involved using machine learning and neural networks to develop a confocal scanning scheme that achieved super resolution in optical microscopy.
For his PhD, David is working with Dr Christophe Silien on the ID-BioM project where he is using different microscopy and machine learning techniques to achieve super-resolution images from a label-free optical microscope. In the first year of his PhD, David worked with Analog Devices on stochastically modelling the entropy of a hardware based random number generator (RNG) for use in cryptography.
2017-2021 BSc Applied Physics UL