The Access Office works to promote and support the access and participation of students from groups that have been under-represented in third-level and the University sector. The Access Office engages with students and their parents at different stages in the educational lifecycle, beginning in schools and communities at the earliest opportunity and facilitating entry pathways to third-level.

The Access Office uses the concept of the Engagement Cycle to inform its policies and everyday practices. The core activities of the Access Office can be viewed through the following phases:

  • Aspiration: Raising awareness of the possibilities of third-level education and reducing barriers to entry. 
  • Transitions: Providing clear pathways and flexible entry routes for students to enrol in higher education. 
  • Retention: Ensuring a range of supports are available throughout students' programmes of study to increase the likelihood of completion.

The work of the Access Office may be broadly categorised into three areas:

For further details on any aspect of the Access programmes contact 

Our Team

Deirdre O'Connor - Access Officer

Deirdre O'Connor oversees and manages all activities of the Access Office. She is also the Course Director for the Access to University Course and Chair of the Mid-West Cluster PATH3.

Room No: EM-008

061 234121

Nora Moloney

Access Office Student Support

Nora is an administrator at the University. Nora and Tess job share therefore, they are both your first point of contact with any issues or queries throughout your time here at the University.

Room No: EM-008

061 213104

Tess Phillips

Access Office Student Support and Destination College Assistance 

Tess is an administrator at the University. Tess and Nora job share therefore, they are both your first point of contact with any issues or queries throughout your time here at the University.

Tess also assists with the destination college program

Room No: EM-008

061 213 104

Edel O'Donnell

Mincéir-Traveller programme Co-ordinator

Programme for Access to Higher Education(PATH 3)

for more information on this program click here.

Room No: EM-008

061 233240

Caitriona Moore

Caitriona is the Access to University Course (AUC) Coordinator and the Student Assistance Fund Administrator. She is also here to provide post-entry support to students who come in through the HEAR scheme and the Access to University Course. 

More information on the Access to University Couse click here

More information on the Student Assistance Fund click here

for Student Assistance fund queries:

More information on our student supports click here

Room No: EM-008

061 202174

Sorcha Prendergast

Second level Access Coordinator 

This role specifically targets young people from socio-economically disadvantage through pre-entry activities in schools and community groups, aimed at raising their aspirations towards entering university. It promotes the Higher Education Access Route (HEAR) through a variety of activities including school presentations and workshops for pupils and parents in our linked schools, act as first and main point of contact for information, advice and direction for all queries related to HEAR

Room No: EM-008

061 234122

Clare Nee

Destination College Programme Coordinator

Claire and Tess work on the Destination Programme. Find out more information on this programme here.

Room No: EM-008

086 065 7881 / 061 233242