Strategic to the operation of UL Chaplaincy are the intentionally designed Teach Fáilte and Contemplative Centre in the Student Square. These places afford the chaplains space to provide welcome, pastoral care and support, to offer opportunities for worship, to facilitate spiritual engagement and reflection, to encourage social responsibility and volunteerism.
Teach Fáilte
Teach Fáilte, our popular drop in centre is open daily from 11am-3pm. Students are welcome to make a cuppa as boiling water and milk are provided. Students avail of this space to chill out, chat and get to know other students. In times of difficulty students are assured of a listening ear and may be facilitated to avail of other supports on or off campus.
Contemplative Centre
Staff and students are encouraged to avail of the Contemplative Centre which is an oasis of peace and tranquility. This is a sacred space for quiet, meditation, prayer or reflection.
The contemplative centre is open Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 4.30pm.
Mass is held on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 1.10pm during the semester. All are welcome.
Throughout the academic year, bespoke interfaith and denominational services are held for special occasions of celebration or tragedy.
If we can support you in any way please feel free to contact us:
John Campion | john.campion@ul.ie | 086 2632458 | Room CM071
Sarah O’Rourke | sarah.orourke@ul.ie | 086 4127485 | Teach Fáilte