How do I retain access to UL IT Systems such as email when I leave UL?
The University of Limerick’s (UL’s) procedure is that any persons leaving employment in UL will not retain access to UL systems, including an email address. This is based on legal advice received by the University highlighting the significant risks continued access to email and systems creates in relation to cyber security, data protection, records management and risk of data loss. On the basis this and further advice from our insurance brokers and auditors, UL are obliged to mitigate against any and all such risks to the University.
However, an Exceptions Process exists where a member of staff who in leaving the University is required to continue to undertake / complete research or other specified UL work, ongoing access to their email account may be approved for a period of up to 12 months. The approval of the direct line manager, the respective Executive Committee member, the HR Director and the ITD Director is required. The maximum term of any extension period is 12 months. Further extensions, if required, must have the reapproval of each of the above officers. Terms and Conditions: Users must follow all standards and requirements relating to the use of the University’s IT Resources and University Information Assets as outlined in the Acceptable Usage Policy and IT Security Policy available on the UL Policy Hub. The user must not undertake any actions that bring the University into disrepute. Where this is understood to have occurred, the University of Limerick reserves the right to take such action as necessary to include the immediate and permanent removal of access to systems and the initiation of legal action where appropriate.
If you have an active account you should apply through the online application process at
(If you need assistance with your application, please refer to the support training videos -
If your account has already expired then you need to complete the attached application form.
If you require temporary access (14 days) to your UL email account to retrieve specific personal information, please complete and return this form.