General FAQ's

Blended Working Equipment

How do I get blended working equipment for an existing or new staff member?

Home or office working equipment should be procured at departmental level. For information about recommended hardware, please go to Top Desk then click on My Workstation: Computers and Laptops.

The staff member may also require a chair, which the line manager can also order directly from our supplier Pelko who are now doing home deliveries. View the approved chair options by following this link to Pelko and email to order. 

If there are other more non-standard queries, please log a call on TopDesk – 

If you cease as an employee of UL, any equipment in your care remains the property of the University unless a sale of asset is agreed to which a Sale of Asset form is then completed.

Anybody who takes a piece of equipment with them when moving from one department to another should complete a relocation form.

Both forms are available here available on the Finance website


How do I access the employee support service?

How do I access the employee support service?

The ESS is a free, confidential counselling and advice service to assist all of us in dealing with personal issues that could pose a threat to our health, well-being, relationships or employment. The service is confidential and independent – and provided by an external company called EAP Consultants.

Access to the helpline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Freephone:1-800-201-346.   For more information please go to the Employee Support Services page.

How do I apply for Tax Credits?

How do I apply for Tax Credits?

In order to deduct the correct tax from your salary, you will need to apply for a Certificate of Tax Credits (Form 12A).  Please go to to download the Form 12A. 

The Form 12A should be submitted as soon as possible to minimise the risk of ‘emergency tax’ at 42%.  Emergency tax is applied in cases where your tax credits are unclear.  If emergency tax is initially applied, the appropriate reimbursements will be made to you as soon as your tax situation is clarified.

Both the employee and the University of Limerick will be notified of tax credits.  The University will make the necessary tax deductions from your salary.

Required information to complete Form 12A

  • Employers PAYE Registered Number – 0032116A
  • PPS number
  • Irish Address

How do I get a Staff ID card?

How do I get a Staff ID card?

If you are a University of Limerick direct employee whose pay and leave is managed via the Core HR portal, you should email a headshot to along with your staff ID no. and ID Card Request in the subject heading. You will be notified when your ID card is ready for collection. ID cards are issued by the Human Resources Office D1 042 Monday to Friday between the hours of 15:00 and 16:00.

Your ID card will be required if you wish to join and access the Library, Sports Arena and avail of a parking permit.

Retention of access to UL IT Systems

How do I retain access to UL IT Systems such as email when I leave UL?

The University of Limerick’s (UL’s) procedure is that any persons leaving employment in UL will not retain access to UL systems, including an email address. This is based on legal advice received by the University highlighting the significant risks continued access to email and systems creates in relation to cyber security, data protection, records management and risk of data loss. On the basis this and further advice from our insurance brokers and auditors, UL are obliged to mitigate against any and all such risks to the University.

However, an Exceptions Process exists where a member of staff who in leaving the University is required to continue to undertake / complete research or other specified UL work, ongoing access to their email account may be approved for a period of up to 12 months. The approval of their direct line manager is required. The maximum term of any extension period is 12 months. Further extensions, if required, must have the reapproval of each of the above officers. Terms and Conditions: Users must follow all standards and requirements relating to the use of the University’s IT Resources and University Information Assets as outlined in the Acceptable Usage Policy and IT Security Policy available on the UL Policy Hub. The user must not undertake any actions that bring the University into disrepute. Where this is understood to have occurred, the University of Limerick reserves the right to take such action as necessary to include the immediate and permanent removal of access to systems and the initiation of legal action where appropriate.

If you have an active account you should apply through the online application process at

(If you need assistance with your application, please refer to the support training videos -

If your account has already expired then you need to complete the attached application form.

If you require temporary access (14 days) to your UL email account to retrieve specific personal information, please complete and return this form