It is essential that applicants read and accept the terms and conditions below in full before making an application for a course at the University of Limerick Language Centre (ULLC).

Application and Payment Procedures for all courses/accommodation booked directly through ULLC:

a. An administration fee of €50 is payable for all courses. It can be paid as part of the full fee.

b. An accommodation placement fee of €40 per person will be charged on all accommodation bookings and is also charged if a student arrives and changes accommodation.

c. The administration and accommodation placement fees are separate from the tuition fees and are non-refundable.

d. Applications will be processed on receipt of a completed application form and the administration fee where applicable.

e. Payment of an administration fee will ensure a place on the chosen course until four weeks before course commencement.

f. In the case of applications for teacher development courses, a provisional letter may be issued pending grant approval. The provisional letter of acceptance will remain valid up to four weeks before the course start date.

g. All fees must be paid in full four weeks in advance of course commencement. In the case of part-time courses before the closing date for applications. Applicants who wish to apply for a course after this date should first check whether there is a place available on their chosen course. Students in receipt of a scholarship must produce valid financial support documents in advance of course commencement.

h. Once an application has been successfully processed, a letter confirming that a place has been reserved on the course will be issued. Applicants are strongly advised not to make any travel or other arrangements until this confirmation letter has been received.

i. Based on the experience of recent years, applicants are advised to book early to secure their choice of course and accommodation.

j. Accommodation details will only be confirmed on receipt of full fees, two weeks before the course start date and in the case of visa-dependent students once the flight information has been received.

k. Course applicants are responsible for all bank charges. In the case of non-EU countries, bank transfers may cost up to €30 each. To ensure that the transfer is easily traceable, all bank transfers should be made in the name of the course participant, and the five-digit student ID number should be quoted. This five-digit ID number will be issued by the University of Limerick Language Centre on receipt of a completed application form.

l. Course applicants are advised to notify the University of Limerick Language Centre when a payment has been made by bank transfer in order to avoid any delay in securing their choice of course and accommodation.

m. Applicants will only be able to commence a course if full fees have been received by the University of Limerick Language Centre, or when valid financial support documentation has been provided.

Methods of Payment

1. Bank Transfer

Account Name: University of Limerick Language Centre

Bank Name & Address: Bank of Ireland, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland

IBAN Code: IE41 BOFI 9043 0910 8132 08

Swift Code/BIC: BOFIIE2D

2. Bank Draft Irish or International bank draft made payable to the University of Limerick Language Centre

  1. The minimum age limit for entry to all open enrolment courses is 17 years for adult courses and 11 years for junior courses.
  2. Applicants must meet the minimum entry level required for their chosen course.
  3. The definition of a course at the University of Limerick Language Centre is the total length of time for which a student has enrolled, i.e., the starting and finishing dates submitted to and agreed by the University of Limerick Language Centre. In exceptional circumstances, e.g., late issue of visas through no fault of the applicant, the University of Limerick Language Centre will arrange a later course start date, normally the first Monday after arrival.
  4. Once a student has commenced a course they cannot change their course without following the correct procedure, which is detailed in the student handbook.
  5. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that financial sponsorship documents are up to date. If at any stage the sponsorship documents expire and no other financial arrangements have been agreed, then ULLC has the right to cancel the student’s enrolment without notice.
  6. The University of Limerick Language Centre follows the guidelines set for the general University of Limerick schedule in terms of class length. An hour means an academic hour, i.e., 50 minutes.
  7. The University of Limerick Language Centre is closed on all Public Holidays in Ireland. Classes during these holidays are not re-scheduled. For a list of these holidays, please see our website at
  8. Students are expected to be on time for class and to attend class regularly.
  9. Pre-departure changes made to a host family booking once it has been secured or changes made after arrival will incur an extra administration charge of €30. Where a course participant wishes to leave his/her host family accommodation before the end of the period reserved, one week’s notice or payment in lieu must be given. On-campus accommodation cannot be changed once booked.
  10. No refunds will be given for late arrivals and/or early departures for any reason or for late cancellation of accommodation or any other absences.
  11. Letters required by students, e.g., to register with immigration, cannot be given if there are any outstanding fees due or in the case of sponsored students until a valid financial guarantee has been received.
  12. The University of Limerick Language Centre accepts no liability for any loss or damage that results in injury; or ill-health; or damage to or loss of plant, materials, property, etc.
  13.  Cancellation Fees in respect of tuition and accommodation fees booked directly through ULLC:

a. If notice of cancellation is given 22 or more working days before the commencement date of the course, tuition and accommodation fees will be refunded in full.

b. If notice of cancellation is given 21 to 8 working days before the commencement date of the course, 65% of tuition and accommodation fees will be refunded.

c. If notice of cancellation is given 7 working days or less before the commencement date of the course, no fees are refunded.

d. Notice of a cancellation must be received in writing within the deadlines outlined above. In all cases a cancellation fee of €50 is payable.

e. Where a student is unable to attend a course due to refusal of a visa by the Irish authorities, tuition and accommodation fees will be refunded in full provided full documentary evidence of the refusal is submitted to the University of Limerick Language Centre.

f. ULLC reserves the right to cancel a course and/or amend the timetable/dates. ULLC will endeavor to give adequate notice in this regard. Where a course is cancelled/amended by the University of Limerick Language Centre full fees will be refunded in full.

g. We recommend that students take out insurance against loss of fees through illness or injury, or the serious illness or death of a relative.

14. Where a student has commenced a course and is repatriated for offences against the University of Limerick and/or Civil Law, all costs will be borne by the student.

15. Where an airport transfer has been pre-arranged with the University of Limerick Language Centre, there will be an additional charge of €30 per hour in the event of a flight delay.

16. As an integral part of the University of Limerick, ULLC is committed to implementing all the policies and procedures of the University of Limerick.

Address for correspondence: University of Limerick Language Centre, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland
Tel No.: +353 61 202 777 or +353 61 233 237

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