Book open on a table with a pile of other books in the background
05 Sep 2022

Colleagues in the Media: Prof. Neil Robinson Reviews ‘The Story of Russia’ in the Irish Independent

Prof. Neil Robinson reviews the book ‘The Story of Russia’ by Orlando Figes in the Irish Independent
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Image shows Dr. David Fleming, Dr. Sandra Joyce, Chief Superintendent Mick Gubbins, ,Prof. Kerstin Mey,Prof. Rachel Msetfi, Prof. Shane Kilcommins
31 Aug 2022

Postgraduate Diploma in Proceeds of Crime and Asset Identification

Our Executive Dean, Dr. Sandra Joyce was delighted to welcome Chief Superintendent Mick Gubbins to the University of Limerick as part of the graduation ceremonies last week alongside Prof. Kerstin Mey, Dr. David Fleming, Prof. Rachel Msetfi and Prof. Shane Kilcommins
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Group of Indonesian students standing outside of the library in the university of Limerick.
30 Aug 2022

Indonesian students arrive at UL for bridging programme

In November 2022, 19 academics from universities across Indonesia arrived in UL to undertake a two month bridging programme, funded by the Indonesian Ministry of Education
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Tablet in front of pile of books laying on a wooden table
29 Aug 2022

Colleagues in the media: Dr Ann Marcus Quinn

Our colleague Dr. Ann Marcus Quinn contributed to the Irish Times with an article about rising school costs as secondary schools are now requesting compulsory digital hardware to aid in education.
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Prof Mícheál Ó Súilleabháin sits by a piano in a church setting
22 Aug 2022

Concert Planned to Celebrate Music of Prof Mícheál Ó Súilleabháin

Lumen, The Music of Mícheál Ó Súilleabháin: A Celebration of the Light, will take place at the University Concert Hall (UCH) in Limerick, on Saturday September 3rd and will celebrate the music of the late Professor of Music and founder/Director of the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance.
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Lady justice with books and globe
18 Aug 2022

Publication by Eoin Quill

Eoin Quill from the School of Law has recently published an article in the Irish Supreme Court Review, a leading peer-reviewed legal journal which considers judgments from the Irish Supreme Court. His article is entitled ' A Discussion of Damage and A Conversation on Limitations: Cantrell v Allied Irish Banks Plc [2022]'.

The article is available on Claurus Press.
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Slide with the title "Assessing the Countours of the Entrapment Defence in the Criminal Law"
02 Aug 2022

Assessing the Contours of the Entrapment Defence in the Criminal Law

On Monday 11th July 2022, Dr Ger Coffey, Lecturer in Law and member of the Centre for Crime, Justice, and Victim Studies, presented a paper entitled ‘Assessing the Contours of the Entrapment Defence in the Criminal Law’ at the Annual International Conference on Law organised by the Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER), Athens, Greece.
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Láithreoirí na sraithe Sheila Kavanagh, Liam Broderick, Kate Reilly & Alannah reidy lena meántóirí Máire Ní Ghráda, Léann na Gaeilge UL, agus Áine Henesy, Radió na Gaeltachta
14 Jul 2022

Irish World Academy Students Present Series on RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta

Irish World Academy students are currently presenting a summer radio series on RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta. Students were guided and mentored by Áine Hensey (renowned RnaG broadcaster) and Máire Ní Ghráda (Léann na Gaeilge, UL) . Éist siar le scoth an cheoil ar chlár 1 le Kate Reilly Liam Broderick a chuirfidh clár an lae amárach i láthair.
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#loveIrishResearch logo for IRC
30 Jun 2022

IRC Research Spotlight

Dr Lydia Bracken’s Irish Research Council funded New Foundations project, LGBTI+ Parent Families in Ireland: Legal Recognition of Parent-Child Relationships features on the Irish Research Council #LoveIrishResearch Blog in June.
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Bridge with lights on it and text reads "The Lisbon Conclusions and Recommendations on Positive Complementarity"
28 Jun 2022

Adoption of Recommendations of the Complementarity in International Criminal Law Committee

On Thursday 23rd June 2022, the recommendations of the Complementarity in International Criminal Law Committee on positive complementarity were adopted at the 80th Biennial Conference of the International Law Association in Lisbon. Dr Ger Coffey, Lecturer in Law and Course Director LLM/MA in Human Rights in Criminal Justice is the Irish member of the Complementarity in International Criminal Law Committee of the International Law Association
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The research team at University of Limerick
24 Jun 2022

Irish Travellers’ Access to Justice Launch Landmark Report

A report by the Irish Travellers’ Access to Justice research group on was launched yesterday 23rd June at the University of Limerick.
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Dr Laura Cahillane
17 Jun 2022

Dr Laura Cahillane and the President's comments

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