Image shows The National College of Physical Education Building, 1974 (credit: Glucksman Library, Special Collections and Archives)
14 Jul 2021

30th Anniversary of the Integration of NIHE and Thomond College of Education

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Photo shows ISPhD LIAF steering group members Oum Charrak, Randa Brachouche, Rayene Larkeche; Dr Angela Farrell, ISPhD Programme Director; Meriem Zine; ISPhD Intercultural Advocate Michelle Daly, Prof Gisela Holfter LIAF Chair, Andrea La Touche, President of the Postgraduate Union & LIAF Co-Chair.
14 Jul 2021

Limerick Irish Algerian Friendship Group

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Image showing Prof Gautam Gulati addressing the Joint Committee on Disability at the Oireachtaof the Oireachtais
05 Jul 2021

Professor Gautam Gulati contributes to the Joint Committee on Disability at the Oireachtas

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Image shows the cover of the recently published book
28 Jun 2021

New book: Football Politics and Identity from the Dept. of Sociology

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PPA Logo
28 Jun 2021

Politics & Public Administration, Shanghai Rankings Top 200

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23 Jun 2021

‘Erasmus Speaks’: A Virtual Language Exchange rewarding 276 AHSS and KBS students with an Erasmus+ Digital Badge

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23 Jun 2021

New Springer Handbook for Online Learning Contexts: Digital, Mobile and Open

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Fulbright Logo
23 Jun 2021

Success for student of Léann na Gaeilge in the Fulbright Awards | Gradam Fulbright bronnta ar mhac léinn Gaeilge

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Image of book cover
23 Jun 2021

Book published: Music and creativity in healthcare settings: does music matter? by Hilary Moss. Routledge 2021

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Photograph of Dr. Susan Leahy
23 Jun 2021

Dr Susan Leahy publishes report: ‘Realities of Irish Rape Trials’

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