A one-day conference organised by the Irish Committee for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in Mathematics (ICEDIM) is being organised in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics and the Mathematics Application Consortium for Science and Industry (MACSI) at University of Limerick.
The Women in Mathematics Day Ireland had become an annual conference since its inauguration in 2010. The conference, pioneered by the Mathematics Application Consortium for Science and Industry (MACSI) and the National Centre for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching and Learning (NCE-MSTL) at the University of Limerick, is a multi-faceted event that includes plenary talks, academic and industrial research talks, poster sessions for participants, panel sessions on gender equality, and thematic events. Its aim is to advance gender equality in the mathematical sciences in Ireland and to form a forum to encourage, support, and inspire women at all stages of their education and careers.
The event's organisation paused during the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. This year the event is being organised by the subcommittee ICEDIM of the Irish Mathematical Society at the University of Limerick. The event will be held in hybrid format to allow for the inclusion of participants that will not be able to attend in person. A Zoom link to the event will be provided in due time.
We gratefully acknowledge financial support by the President of the University of Limerick, the UL Faculty of Science and Engineering and the UL Department of Mathematics and Statistics together with MACSI.
Our event is registered under the May 12 initiative, check it out here!
The Irish Committee for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in Mathematics (ICEDIM) was formed as a sub-committee of the Irish Mathematical Society (IMS) in September 2022. ICEDIM's main aim is to advise and report to the IMS Committee on all EDI matters concerning mathematics, including the theme of gender and science and the promotion of women in the field of mathematics. ICEDIM’s aim includes encouraging women and under-represented groups to study mathematics, supporting their careers, and giving them prominence and visibility.
ICEDIM's terms of reference can be found at https://irishmathsoc.org/icedim/.
Conference Venue, travel & transportation
The meeting will be held in the Main Building, room A2002 of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Limerick (UL) campus. Information on the location of the UL campus can be found here. Travel and transport information to the campus can be found here.
The Main Building is denoted by building 13, grid location C4 on the UL campus map.
Hotels Castletroy Park Hotel, Kilmurry Lodge, Travelodge Limerick Castletroy are close to the UL’s campus.
Castletroy Park has offered bed and breakfast for 114€ per person and we have booked rooms for attendees. Please contact Niamh Dooley for more information.
There are also several hotels located in Limerick city centre, including Absolute Hotel Limerick, George Hotel, Savoy Hotel, Maldron Hotel Limerick, No.1 Pery Square are located in Limerick city centre. Information about bus transportation from Limerick city centre to UL can be found here.
Support for students and early career researchers
We have limited funds to support travel for students and early career researchers. Please contact Romina Gaburro (romina.gaburro@ul.ie) for this.
Organising committee
The ICEDIM Women in Mathematics Day 2024 is being organised by:
Romina Gaburro (University of Limerick, chair), Angela Carnevale (University of Galway), Tom Carroll (University College Cork), Dana Mackey (TU Dublin), Niall Madden (University of Galway), David Malone (Maynooth University) and Nina Snigireva (University of Galway).
For further information, please contact Romina Gaburro (romina.gaburro@ul.ie).