Collection Development and Management Policies
The Collection Development & Management Policies are designed to provide guidelines to librarians and faculty regarding the allocation of library resources and the acquisition of library materials, whether they are in print or electronic format.
Library Materials Borrowing Policy
Library users have a responsibility:
- To only take materials from the Library when an approved loan procedure has been followed. Library users must check that they have no unauthorised items with them when leaving the Library. The unauthorised removal of library materials or equipment is considered a serious offence. Library users will be requested to present bags or other containers for inspection if the Library security system is activated.
- To abide by copyright law, data protection and any licensing agreements entered into by the Library or University for the use of software, databases and equipment.
- To return or renew library materials borrowed on or before the date and time due. Failure to return borrowed materials will incur a fine. All items on loan are subject to recall by the Library at any time.
- To return all loans before University registration terminates. In the case of graduating students, non-payment of Library debts will result in the degree certificate being withheld. In severe cases, graduation will not be permitted. All Library fines should be settled promptly.
- To be strictly responsible for any library material issued for loan or consultation in their name, until such time as it is returned, undamaged, to the Library and the relevant loan record cancelled. Material(s) accidentally damaged or lost by the Library borrower will be charged at an appropriate rate. Where a guarantor has been designated, S/He will be deemed liable for any library debt(s) incurred by a defaulter(s).
- To alert Library staff as soon as possible if Library material is missing, lost or stolen.
- Not to remove materials classed as 'reference' or 'not for loan' from the Library.
- To respect and maintain an orderly and tidy Library environment. Handle Library materials with care. Keep materials intact and return to designated areas or place on trolleys for shelving.
- To alert the Library of any changes of addresses (term/home), email or other relevant registration details.
- To respond and act upon all Library correspondence promptly
Mobile Phone Policy
Mobile phone use is restricted in the Library
You can...
- Listen to messages.
- Have quiet phone conversations in back stairwells and bathrooms
- Use silent functions on your phone.
You cannot...
- Make or receive calls in the Library.
- Use your phone in any way in the silent zones.
Noise Policy
The Library is committed to providing readers with a comfortable learning environment that is conducive to study as well as welcoming to all users.
Zoning is in place throughout the building. We depend on the co-operation of all library users to help us in our efforts to manage noise.
Zoning policy in the library. (pdf document)
Co-operating with the student noise monitor, library and security staff
We will strive to ensure that all who visit the library abide by the zoning policy for the
benefit of all our readers. We aim to do this by monitoring noise levels, patrolling reading
areas, signage and approaching individuals or groups who are making noise.
All readers must comply with instructions from staff members. If disruptive behaviour persists,
the individual(s) may be required to provide identification, to leave the library, or be referred to
Seat Monitoring Policy
During busy times of the year, the Library implements a seat monitoring policy. called "Every Seat counts"
- Library study places are offered on a 'FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED' basis. Any study spaces left unattended for longer than 45 minutes may be cleared by security or library staff for use by another reader.
- Please do not leave laptops/USBs or other valuables unattended for ANY length of time.
- The Library shall not be responsible for any stolen or damaged property.
- Due to the demand for space in the Glucksman Library we will have staff patrolling the study desks to ensure compliance with the seat booking policy as outlined above.
- Desks remaining unoccupied for more than 45 minutes will be cleared and released for use to another student. Any material removed from the desk will be available to retrieve from a box beside or near the desk that you left unoccupied.
- If the desk is left unoccupied has been cleared, you may seek an alternative space in the library.
We ask that you co-operate with our staff in this initiative which serves to provide fairer access to the library study spaces.
If you have queries or complaints about this service or any other aspect of library services please use our Ask Us/Tell Us form to contact us at libinfo@ul.ie.
Personal belongings left unattended at library desks are the responsibility of their owner at all times and the library takes no responsibility for this material.
Guidelines on eating and drinking in the Library
The Library recognizes that many students wish to eat and drink while whilst studying in the building. We also recognize that the maintenance of a clean and pleasant learning environment is important to those who use our facilities.
Food and drink are only allowed in the library under the following rules:
- Hot food, smelly food and main meals are not allowed in the library past the gates/turnstiles.
- Drinks and snacks only in reusable bottles and containers are allowed.
- We encourage students to be environmentally-friendly by carrying re-useable cups for drinks or reusable water bottles for water to limit unnecessary waste - the library is a Green Library and single use is strongly discouraged.
- You must take care not to disturb others when eating or drinking, particularly in terms of noise and smell.
- You are not allowed to drink alcohol in the library.
- Please dispose of waste appropriately and clean up any messes.
No food or drinks of any kind are allowed in Archives and Special Collections, the Appellate Moot Court or The Library Boardroom!
Please note interpretation of these guidelines is at the discretion of Library staff. If, in the opinion of any member of our staff, you are observed to be consuming a non-permitted food item within the library you may be asked to discard the food, store it out of sight (e.g. in a bag or rucksack) or leave the Library.
Code of Conduct
The Library Code of Conduct (word document) exists to protect the rights and interests of all users and to enable the Library to carry out its main functions of supporting study, teaching and research as effectively as possible.
The Library seeks to provide a safe, secure and comfortable study environment for all its users. All Library users are expected to acquaint themselves with and observe this code. It has been devised to complement, and is consistent with, the University Code of Conduct.
Please get in touch with us directly if you have any questions or comments.