Colum Dunne BSc (Hons), PhD, MBA, LLM began his third level education at University College Cork (UCC), Ireland. He subsequently completed a PhD at UCC, a period at Michigan State University (MSU) USA, and has since completed Master’s Degrees in Business and Law at the Open University and University of Limerick, respectively.
Colum has held senior research roles at Ireland's National Food Biotechnology Centre, UCC's BioMerit Research Centre & the Departments of Microbiology and Medicine in UCC.
Following a four-year period as General Manager of a cancer research centre (supported largely through philanthropy) focused on development of gene-/chemotherapies and innovative medical devices, Colum joined multinational Glanbia Plc as Director of Research, and served for five years as a Director and member of the Boards of the Glanbia Nutritional's group of companies. There, Colum contributed to strategy development and significant fund-raising for R&D. Additionally, he was involved in mergers & acquisitions together with subsequent integration of staff and consolidation of business activities.
Colum has also been a Director of Westgate Biologicals Ltd, a start-up antimicrobial business. He was CEO and co-Founder of SoloPep Ltd, acquired subsequently by a multinational medical device company, that developed an infection risk-reduction medical device for patients with respiratory illness.
Colum has supervised 26 PhD / Masters candidates, published extensively (>230 peer-reviewed articles) and is an inventor on commercialised patents. He is Fellow of the Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland and Royal Society of Medicine (London).
Colum is currently the longest serving member of the UL School of Medicine Executive Team. He is Foundation Chair and Director of Research at the School of Medicine, and Founding Director of the Centre for Interventions in Infection, Inflammation, and Immunity (4i) at the University of Limerick, Ireland. Colum served during two terms on the University’s Governing Authority (University Board), including the University’s Finance Committee.
Recent Publications
Bashir, A.Y., Moloney, N., Elzain, M., Delaunois, I., Sheikhi, A., O'Donnell, P., Dunne, C.P., Kelly, B.D., Gulati, G. (2021) From Nowhere to Nowhere. Homelessness and incarceration: A systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 17(4): 452-461. DOI:10.1108/IJPH-01-2021-0010
Byrnes, K.G., Walsh, D., Walsh, L.G., Coffey, D.M., Ullah, M.F., Mirapeix, R., Hikspoors, J., Lamers, W., Wu, Y., Zhang, X-Q., Zhang, S-X., Brama, P., Dunne, C.P.; O’Brien, I.S., Peirce, C.B., Shelly, M.J., Scanlon, T.G., Luther, M.E., Brady, H.D., Dockery, P., McDermott, K.W., Coffey, J.C. (2021) The development and structure of the mesentery. Nature Communications Biology, DOI:10.1038/s42003-021-02496-1
Clancy, C., Delungahawatta, T., Dunne, C.P. (2021) Hand hygiene-related clinical trials reported between 2014 and 2020: A comprehensive systematic review. Journal of Hospital Infection, 111: 6-26. DOI:10.1016/j.jhin.2021.03.007.
Dembicka, K.M., Powell, J., O’Connell, N.H., Hennessy, N., Brennan, G., Dunne, C.P. (2021) Prevalence of linezolid-resistant organisms among patients admitted to a tertiary hospital for critical care or dialysis. Irish Journal of Medical Science, DOI:10.1007/s11845-021-02773-2
Dowling, L., Jakeman, P., Norton, C., Skelly, M.M., Yousuf, H., Kiernan, M.G., Toomey, M., Bowers, S., Dunne, S.S., Coffey, J.C., Dunne, C.P. (2021) Adults with Crohn’s disease exhibit elevated gynoid fat and reduced android fat irrespective of disease relapse or remission. Scientific Reports, DOI:10.1038/s41598-021-98798-9
Dunne, S.S., Coffey, J.C., Konje, S., Gasior, S., Clancy, C.C., Gulati, G., Meagher, D., Dunne, C.P. (2021) Biomarkers in delirium: A systematic review. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, DOI:10.1016/j.jpsychores.2021.110530
Elzain, M., Bashor, A., Moloney, N., Dunne, C.P., Kelly, B., Gulati, G. (2021) Psychiatrists and homicidal threats – a cross sectional study. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, DOI:10.1017/ipm.2021.14
Glynn, K., McKenna, F., Lally, K., O’Donnell, M., Grover, S., Chakrabarti, S., Avasthi, A., Mattoo, S.K., , Sharma, A., Ghosh, A., ,Shah, R., Hickey, D., Fitzgerald, J., Davis, B., O’Regan, N., Adamis, D., Williams, O., Awan, F., Dunne, C.P., Cullen, W., McInerney, S., McFarland, J., Jabbar, F., O’Connell, H., Trzepacz, P.T., Leonard, M., Meagher, D. (2021) How do delirium motor subtypes differ in phenomenology and contributory etiology? A cross-sectional, multi-site study of liaison psychiatry and palliative care patients. BMJ Open, 11: e041214. DOI:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-041214
Gulati, G., Cusack, A., Bogue, J., O'Connor, A., Murohy, V., Whelan, D., Cullen, W., McGovern, C., Kelly, B.D., Fistein, E., Kilcommins, S., Dunne, C.P. (2021) Challenges for people with intellectual disabilities in law enforcement interactions in Ireland; thematic analysis informed by 1537 person-years’ experience. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 75. DOI:10.1016/j.ijlp.2021.101683
Gulati, G., Kelly, B.D., Cullen, W., Kukaswadia, S., Cusack, A., Kilcommins, S., Dunne, C.P. (2021) What is the role of doctors in respect of suspects with mental health and intellectual disabilities in police custody? Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, DOI:10.1017/ipm.2021.25
Gulati, G., Kelly, B.D., Dunne, C.P., Glynn, L. (2021) Rise in violence in general practice settings during the COVID-19 pandemic: implications for prevention. Family Practice, DOI:10.1093/fampra/cmab060
Gulati, G., Cusack, A., Dunne, C., Kilcommins, S. (2021) Dealing with differences. Garda review, DOI:10-11 GR_Nov21 UL Intellectual Disibilities.indd
Gulati, G., Cusack, A., Murphy, V., Kelly, B., Kilcommins, S., Dunne, C. (2021) The evaluation of of training course to enhance intellectual disability awareness amongst law enforcement officers: a pilot study. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicin, DOI:10.1017/ipm.2021.80
Gulati, G., Cusack, A., Kelly, B.D., Murphy, V.E., Kilcommins, S., Dunne, C.P. (2021) Trans-institutionalisation in Ireland: New and emerging congregated settings for people with disabilities. Health and Human Rights Journal, https://www.hhrjournal.org/2021/08/trans-institutionalisation-in-ireland...
Gulati, G., Kelly, B.D., Cusack, A., Kilcommins, S., Dunne, C.P. (2021) Disability awareness training among law enforcement officers in 136 countries: the intersection of human rights and public health. Health and Human Rights https://www.hhrjournal.org/2021/12/human-rights-public-health-and-disabi...
Kiernan, M.G., Dunne, S.S., Dunne, C.P. (2021) Emergence of the Human Gut Microbiota as an Influencer in Health and Disease. In: The Mesenteric Organ in Health and Disease, (Eds. Ehrenpreis, E.D., Alverdy, J.C., Wexner, S.D.), Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Chap 6. DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-71963-0_6
Lynam, K., Twomey, J., Mahony, M., O’Mahony, E., Ahmed, I., Murphy, A.M., Gallagher, S., Fitzgerald, M., Sreenan, C., Afridi, Z., Stapleton, P.J., Dunne, C., Neylon, O., Linnane, B. (2021) Low prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 detected in symptomatic children admitted to hospital. Irish medical Journal, 114;5: 355.
Jenkinson, A.C., Mulligan, M., White, Rebecca., Power, N., Lynch, C.. O'Connell, N., Dunne, C.P., Linnane, B. (2021) Acinetobacter baumanni infection in a child with cystic fibrosis. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 77: 1148-153. DOI:10.1111/jpc.15536
Kermavnar, T., Shannon, A., O'Sullivan, K.J., Dunne, C.P., O’Sullivan, L.W. (2021) 3D printing of medical devices used directly to treat patients: a systematic review. 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, 8(6): 366-408, DOI:10.1089/3dp.2020.0324
Linnane, B., O'Connell, N.H., Obande, E., Dunne, S.S., Clancy, C., Kiernan, M.G., McGrath, D., O'Sullivan, K.J., O'Sullivan, L., Dunne, C.P. (2021) Assessment of the microbial load of airway clearance devices used by a cohort of children with cystic fibrosis. Infection Prevention In Practice, DOI:10.1016/j.infpip.2021.100153
Mouro, C., Dunne, C.P., Gouveia, I.C. (2021) Designing new antibacterial wound dressings: Development of a dual layer cotton material coated with poly (vinyl alcohol)_chitosan nanofibers incorporating Agrimonia eupatoria L. extract. Molecules, 26, 83. DOI:10.3390/molecules26010083
Moloney, N., O’Donnell, P., Elzain, M., Bashir, A., Dunne, C.P., Kelly, B.D., Gulati, G. (2021) Homelessness amongst psychiatric In-patients A Cross-Sectional Study in the Mid-West of Ireland. amongst psychiatric In-patients: A Cross-Sectional Study in the Mid-West of Ireland. Irish Journal of Medical Science. DOI:10.1007/s11845-021-02546-x
O'Callaghan, M.E., Ryan, E., Walsh, C., Hayes, P., Casey, M., O'Dwyer, P., Culhane, A., Duncan, J.W., Harold, P., Healy, J., Kerin, E., Kelly, E., Hanrahan, C., Lane, G.P., Lynch, B., Meaney, P., O'Connell, B., Galvin, J., Kennedy, N., Burke, P., O'Connell, N.H., Dunne, C.P., Glynn, L.G. (2021) Seroprevalence study of SARS-CoV-2 infection in General Practice in Ireland. BJGP Open, DOI:10.3399/BJGPO.2021.0038
O'Donnell, M., Pradeep, V., Dunne, C.P., Kelly, B.D., Gulati, G. (2021) Psychiatrists and physical health competencies - a cross-sectional survey. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, DOI:10.1017/ipm.2021.3
O’Sullivan, K.J., Power, V., Linnane, B., McGrath, D., Mulligan, M., White, R., O’Sullivan, L.W., Dunne, C.P. (2021) A short-term evaluation of a prototype disposable Oscillating Positive Expiratory Pressure (OPEP) device in a cohort of children with cystic fibrosis. BMC Pulmonary Medicine, DOI:10.1186/s12890-021-01525-3
O'Sullivan, K.J., Power, V., Linnane, B., McGrath, D., Fogarty, H., Ryan, M., While, R., Noonan, C., Mulloy, E., O'Sullivan, L.W., Dunne, C.P. (2021) An initial evaluation of the safety of a disposable oscillating positive expiratory pressure device in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A short-term pilot study. BMC Pulmonary Medicine, DOI:10.1186/s12890-021-01689-y
Powell, J., Monahan, R., Slevin, B., O'Hara, M., O'Connell, N.H., Dunne, C.P. (2021) Coping with contagions: Maintaining infection prevention and control in an Irish tertiary hospital during COVID and a debilitating nationwide ransomware virus in May 2021. Journal of Hospital Infection, DOI:10.1016/j.jhin.2021.05.009
Teoh, T.K., Powell, J., Kelly, J., McDonnell, C., Whelan, R., O'Connell, N.H., Dunne, C.P. (2021) Outcomes following implementation of point-of-care testing (POCT) for influenza in the Emergency Department of a tertiary referral hospital in Ireland. Journal of Hospital Infection, 110: 45-5 DOI:10.1016/j.jhin.2021.01.004
Teoh, TK., McNamara, R., Powell, J., O'Connell, N.H., Dunne, C.P. (2021) A retrospective observational study of the impact of 16s and 18s ribosomal RNA PCR on antimicrobial treatment over seven years: A tertiary hospital experience. PLOS One, DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.025855
Woods, S., Power, L., O'Connell, N.H., Dunne, C.P. (2021) A 2018 hospital-mediated outbreak of 42 measles cases in Ireland: Observations regarding ED waiting times and staff vaccination levels. Journal of Hospital Infection, 112: 115-115. DOI:10.1016/j.jhin.2021.04.005