UL has established its research distinctiveness through promotion of a research ethos characterised by the convergence of discrete disciplines working together to achieve fundamental breakthroughs while operating in a translational approach – an innovative alternative mode of research to the traditional basic-applied research distinction – which translates research results more rapidly towards commercialisation and improvements in patient care & outcomes. UL’s Centre for Interventions in Infection, Inflammation and Immunity (4i) engages with the medical device, pharmaceutical, and healthcare communities at MNC, SME & service provider levels.

Enterprise Ireland
Enterprise Ireland provide supports for both companies and researchers in Higher Education Institutes to develop new technologies and processes that will lead to job creation and increased exports.
Further information at https://www.enterprise-ireland.com/en/Research-Innovation/
Research Partners:

The Health Service Executive
The HSE’s METR Strategy, while focusing on its specific remit for medical education, training and research, includes a specific recommendation for the establishment of a multidisciplinary Education, Training and Research Committee to co-ordinate and align all professional education, training and research functions throughout the organisation. www.hse.ie
Funding Agencies:

The National Children's Research Centre
The National Children’s Research Centre mission statement: to investigate the cause, treatment, care and prevention of children’s diseases and ailments. NCRC is the largest dedicated paediatric research centre in Ireland. It aim is to support paediatric research in Ireland by funding, through the Children’s Medical Research Foundation, and key areas of interest in paediatric medicine. The National Children’s Research Center is supportive of a National and cross-institutional approach to paediatric research. http://www.childrensresearchcentre.org/

The Health Research Board
Research underpins development and progress in every industry,and healthcare is no different. The HRB’s Strategic Business Plan recognises the importance of establishing a co-ordinated approach so as to achieve the highest quality health research and developing the right skills, conditions and capacity in the Irish health system, in order to accelerate the translation of research discoveries into real benefits for people. http://www.hrb.ie/about/corporate/