University of Limerick’s Centre for Interventions in Infection, Inflammation and Immunity (4i) represents recognition by like-minded researchers from across the University and distributed clinical campuses, in addition to the General Practice network now associated with the School of Medicine, of the need to provide the sense of identity, infrastructure support, vision and guidance that will enable existing and new researchers as they contribute to medical knowledge and, critically, by doing so to advance health outcomes for patients in the mid-West, nationally and beyond.
Executive Team

Director and Chair of Executive Management Committee, Director of Research, School of Medicine, University of Limerick
Tel: 061 234703

Foundation Chair of Surgery (GEMS) / General and colorectal surgeon
Principal Investigators
The Founding Principal Investigators of 4i represent three of the four Faculties in UL, namely Education and Health Sciences, Science and Engineering, and the Kemmy Business School. This list will be further as the centre promotes its agenda across UL and the affiliated clinical sites. 4i will provide opportunities for interested investigators to become part of the initiative. The Centre aligns with the University of Limerick Strategic Plan as it specifically targets identification and support of (existing and future) health-oriented researchers, coherent aggregation of core/priority interdisciplinary research activities in related fields; support for the development of a quality research training environment; and intensive search for external research funding.

Professor of Primary Healthcare Research, School of Medicine

Professor of Biomedical Statistics
Tel: 061 202313

Senior Lecturer in Molecular Sciences, School of Medicine
353 61 202800

Adjunct Associate Clinical Professor Nuala O'Connell
Consultant Microbiologist, Health Services Executive