Tell us a little bit about yourself
Hi, My name is Emma and I am from the USA! I am very passionate about reading and literacy, and heavily involved in the book community.

Can you tell us about your current research and its potential future impact on health?
My research is focused on the use of social support in osteoarthritis management programmes. This research has the potential to contribute to the non pharmacological treatment approaches. My main focus is on OA and older adults with the goal of decreasing feelings of loneliness and social isolation. 

What challenges have you faced in your career to-date, and how have you overcome them?
One of the biggest challenges has been finding funding and funding opportunities. It can be extremely discouraging when you get told no, after no, and my way of overcoming is it just telling myself, no is just the starting point. 

What is the best piece of advice you have ever received, and how has it influenced your career?
One of the best pieces of advice I have ever gotten was on my first day of the PhD... and that was, 'Comparison is the thief of joy.' It really is great advice in academia and research, but at also really beneficial life advice. 

Is there a woman researcher who has supported you during your career or someone inspirational?
I wouldn't be here today without my mother. A force of nature in the business world and a champion of women and women's right. She has truly made me believe that I can do this, and I hope that I can prove her right.