The Hub is a student-led platform, operating in collaboration with the HRI team, dedicated to providing valuable workshops, seminars, resources, and networking opportunities to HRI student members. Events are organised each semester and are offered free of charge to all members.

The HRI postgraduate/postdoctoral (PG/PD) Hub is a member-driven initiative that fosters a safe and accessible environment, empowering emerging health researchers. Its core goals are to:

Explore key research areas aligned with HRI's priorities:
This includes in-depth discussions and best-practice workshops related to areas such as Ageing, Cancer, Physical Activity for Health, and Diet and Nutrition.
Develop essential skills for research capacity and career success:
This encompasses areas such as data analysis and management, scientific writing and publication, grant proposal development, implementation science training, participatory and arts-based research methods, and digital technology and advanced data analytics training.
Facilitate networking: Connect with fellow HRI members and professionals within and beyond the Hub.
Provide peer support: Offer academic and personal support by sharing successes, challenges, and valuable learning experiences.

The HRI hub aims to reinforce the Underpinning Areas of Excellence within the HRI, specifically in Implementation Science, Participatory and Arts-Based Research, and Digital Technology and Advanced Data Analytics, by providing targeted training and networking.