Date: Friday, 14 October 2022
Time: 1pm - 2pm

Professor Leonard O’Sullivan

Professor O’Sullivan is Director of the Rapid Innovation Unit (RIU, in the School of Design at the University of Limerick.

RIU is a 3D printing research group aligned to the SFI Centre for Smart Manufacturing led out of UL. RIU is specifically focused on the application of 3D printing in healthcare to help solve clinical challenges for which there are no current or adequate solutions available. The unit collaborates with clinical stakeholders across the six hospitals in the University Hospital Limerick Group. Challenges solved by the group range from rapidly delivered solutions through to the development of research programmes for specific clinical needs. This presentation will showcase a selection of the work across UHLG including solutions invented and 3D printed.

Dr Kevin O’Sullivan will accompany Leonard in presenting a selection of these case studies.

Just a reminder to scan your ID badge when entering the Auditorium/Tutorial 7&8 for CPD Credits.

If joining virtually we will have your attendance details for these credits.

Please wear a facemask throughout the session.

Lunch will be provided before the event in the CERC Building foyer – approx. 12.45 p.m. for the Auditorium/Tutorial 7&8 attendees so to avail of this please come early.

please email for further details