The HRI is excited to announce and proud to provide funding for 3 full-time PhD students, starting in the next Academic Year (2024/2025).
Three studies were chosen after a highly competitive call, in which applications were invited from HRI Members for work that involved both an HRI Priority Research Area and Underpinning Area of Excellence thereby illustrating the interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary nature of our research.
The studies and supervisors are:
1. Supervisor: Dr Sara Hayes (sara.hayes@ul.ie)
Programme Title: Development of a Core Outcome Set for cognition post-stroke.
2. Supervisor: Dr Dervla Kelly (Dervla.M.Kelly@ul.ie)
Programme Title: An evaluation of the Sláintecare Healthy Communities Programme (SCHC) for deprived communities: A health equity-focused implementation science study, in conjunction with the Department of Health
3. Supervisor: Dr Amira Mahdi (amira.mahdi@ul.ie)
Programme Title: Building 3-dimensional co-culture models of breast cancer to elucidate and overcome the mechanisms of endocrine therapy resistance.
The respective primary supervisors are currently recruiting for the 3 PhD students with each student due to begin work in October 2025.
For more details, please contact hri@ul.ie