Monday, 19 September 2022

🎉Huge congrats to HRI Members Prof Helen Phelan & Prof Ailish Hannigan whose research proposal ADD (Arts, Data literacy and Diversity) was 1 of the 21 national awardees of funding under the @IrishResearch Collaborative Alliances for Societal Challenges (COALESCE) Schemeđź‘Ź

The Scheme invested €4.9 million in research to address pressing social issues.

This is a HRI PART-IM: (Participatory and Arts-Based Methods for Involving Migrants) initiative, which was the only UL awarded project among the 21 awardees.

Helen is HRI Research Cluster lead for PART-IM and a Professor of Arts Practice at the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance. She is an Irish Research Council recipient for her work in music, migration, and the use of arts-based research methods.

Ailish Hannigan is Associate Professor of Biomedical Statistics at the School of Medicine, University of Limerick.

PART-IM brings together arts-based and participatory scholars from medicine, nursing & midwifery, and the performing arts, as well as a leading NGO for migrants. Their vision is to develop increased understanding of the role of arts-based methods as participatory strategies for involving migrants in health research.

Congratulations to all involved!
