Tell us a little bit about yourself
My name is Siobhán O’Reilly, and I am from Limerick. I completed my BSc. Physiotherapy course in the University of Limerick in 2023 and was then awarded an IRC scholarship to complete a PhD. I like to spend my free time listening to music, knitting, and going to art exhibitions.
Can you tell us about your current research and its potential future impact on health?
My PhD project involves designing and examining the feasibility and acceptability of an intergenerational movement to music programme for the health and wellbeing of older adults and adolescents. Movement to music programmes, or dance programmes, can be an enjoyable way of promoting physical activity for both older adults and adolescents. Intergenerational programmes can foster supportive and meaningful communities between age groups. These programmes can also break down age-related stereotypes and prejudice towards other age cohorts. Therefore, this intervention aims to address physical activity, loneliness, and ageism through intergenerational practice and dance. A pilot study was recently completed to refine the intervention content. I am currently recruiting for the feasibility trial.
What challenges have you faced in your career to-date, and how have you overcome them?
Occasionally, at conferences or similar events, imposter syndrome can raise its head. However, I have a supportive network of friends and colleagues who have helped me through moments of self-doubt. I believe that it is important to acknowledge the work that leads to participating in conferences and seminars and to enjoy learning from and listening to others.
What is the best piece of advice you have ever received, and how has it influenced your career?
“Mistakes are an opportunity to learn.” It is inevitable that certain things will not go as intended or mistakes will be made. It is important to view these as learning opportunities rather than dwelling on them and allowing them to impact the rest of your project. This advice has really helped me both during my undergraduate degree and now during my PhD studies.
Is there a woman researcher who has supported you during your career or someone inspirational?
During my undergraduate degree, I completed a HRB student summer scholarship with Professor Amanda Clifford and Dr Orfhlaith Ní Bhriain as supervisors. They were inspiring role models who gave me an insight into what research was really about. They continue to encourage and support me in my PhD research development work Dr Ní Bhriain shared her expertise with me on dance and dance pedagogy, from which I learned a great deal. Professor Clifford has offered invaluable guidance and through working with her, I have come to appreciate the importance of organisation and thoroughness in research projects. I feel grateful to have two inspirational researchers as supervisors and I am looking forward to continuing my PhD journey with them.