The Library welcomes and acts on feedback from library users to continuously improve its services

There are many ways to provide feedback on library services, either on-line or in-person. Queries, complaints and compliments are channelled through Ask Us and are responded to immediately by Information Desk staff or, when required, are referred to other staff. All are responded to within three working days. Feedback on building issues, i.e. lights, sockets, noise, ventilation, temperature, etc. are referred to the Buildings & Estates Dept and monitored regularly. Large scale feedback is invited through the library survey, conducted every 2 years, and we run focus groups and in-house assessments to explore particular issues as required. 

Improvements made in the Library - You Said, We Did

The following improvements have been made to library services, in response to your feedback.

DateYou SaidWe Did
Mar 25How do I find out more about the library’s toolkits that can help me with my assignments The library website has been updated to provide information on the three toolkits available via Brightspace 
Feb 25I don’t know how to use the audio equipment in the audio labThe equipment in Audio Lab GL1-041 has been updated to be more entry-level friendly. An induction session will be provided to cover essential information and get you started.
Jan 25The library laptops are still running Windows 10All laptops available for lending in the library have been updated to Windows 11
Dec 24More seats needed in the library around exam timeA temporary arrangement was agreed to make a PG space on Floor 1, LISB1 available to all students over the busy exam period. This resulted in 118 extra seats.
Nov 24There aren’t enough copies of some law books available for 1st year law studentsSeveral copies of in demand print law books were ordered and received urgently
Nov 24I need help using the Covidence softwareInformation sessions on how to use Covidence organised by the library
Oct 24I can’t access an e-book when someone else has it checked out.The library has now enabled the wait list feature on E-book Central so that students will be alerted when a checked out e-book becomes available
May 2024Make it easier to access e-resources We have streamlined the process of authenticating and accessing electronic material, from now on you no longer need a separate login
May 2024Support in understanding AIIn collaboration with CTL, the Academic Integrity Unit and ITD, the Library created a self-paced online beginner-level Gen AI course for UL staff
May 2024Help to improve research quality

The Library launched a new Evidence-Based Research (EBR) service, enhancing research design and planning

New subscription to Covidence, a web-based software platform, supporting the process of systematic reviews

April 2024Make lending laptops more accessibleChanged the setting so that laptops on the middle 3 rows are made available for wheelchair users or other students who may need it
Feb 2024Supporting researchers

UL’s Research Repository is now integrated with PURE enabling researchers to communicate full text open versions of their research output to an international audience.

Digitised copies of collections e.g, Ferenka Photograph Album from the Dr Tiede Herrema Collection (1976) and the Thomas White letterbook (1702) provide researchers with new insights and information on tenants and land ownership in Co. Lim

Feb 2024A space to take an online meetingWe installed two Solo Study Booths providing an individual soundproof space for uninterrupted tasks, meetings, phone calls and downtime.
Nov 2023Support sustainability

The Library created the Sustainability Literacy Guide, helping students evaluate sources of information & develop critical appraisal skills

New 7,000 item sustainable ebook collection to support UL’s teaching & research activities

Nov 2023Open Access research publicationsUL research publications are now searchable and accessible in the world’s largest collection of Open Access research papers - CORE
Oct 2023Focus on student wellbeing
  • Energy Pods – to help rejuvenate mind and body
  • Electronic Height Adjustable desks - study desks where students can sit or stand
  • Study Bikes – stationary bicycles with an attached height-adjustable desktop, which encourages gentle movement while studying

Launched a Health and Wellness Library Guide

Oct 2023Provide a multifunctional space that supports creativityWe opened the Media production labs. Bookable, self-service spaces include two Audio Labs (one PC, one Mac) for recording audio presentations or podcasts, and a Greenscreen lab, to record video or experiment with wireless VR headsets
Sept 2023Help with assignmentsWe launched an Assignment Toolkit: a new self-paced e-learning resource where students receive support in producing assignments
Sept 2023Supporting researchDigitised papers from Thomas Spring Rice, covering Limerick city architecture and political history, and the Barry Family of Sanville (1821–1931), made publicly available through the library’s digital collections.
April 2023Need more seats coming up to exams‘Every Seat Counts’ running from week 11, with an additional emphasis on Group Study Room misuse
April 2023More group study spaces pleaseWe created the iZone immediately accessible on the ground floor which is a pop-up space for group work 
March 2023

Reduce noise in the library


More power sockets

Embargo on events in student study areas came into effect until semester end Tannoy system changed to include Irish translation, repetitiveness of announcements reduced Fixed the noisy flapping blinds across the library (LISB2)


PC Desks Floors 1 & 2 & large training room, additional power added to PC desks

March 2023We would like longer opening hours at the weekendThe Library extended opening hours at the weekend to 07:00 – 24:00hrs for the remainder of the semester.
March 2023Schedule the room booking earlier in the dayUsers can now make a booking 2 days in advance from midday.

Feb 2023


Oct-Nov 2022

Can we borrow from the Makerspace


Makerspace resources

We introduced a new technology lending service, incl. VR headsets, 360 cameras, vlogging kits, cameras, gimbals and much more.

Two SolidWorks software licences available in the library Makerspace (GL1-035) with thanks to the School of Engineering Assistive technology (C-Reader Pens available in the Makerspace for loan) Assistive technology (iPads available in the Makerspace for loan)

Feb 2023


Nov 2022

UL Sustainability (reduce single use of cups / bottles


UL Sustainability (reduce energy use)

Early in 2023 the Library recommenced its sustainability programme which strongly encourages use of reusable cups and bottles by readers.


Library actively working with OPW to look at ways of reducing energy consumption in the Library Building. First student/staff energy awareness event held.

Nov 2022Extend opening hours for exam prepExtended weekend opening hours in advance (and during) exams to open the same hours as weekday (07:00 – 24:00hrs).
Oct 2022Improve access to UL researchLaunched New Research Repository
2022Help with managing my dataIntroduced a Research Data Management Libguide 
2022Could we have some PCs with double monitorsSome PCs in the Library now have double monitors 
2022Need more laptops in the libraryDoubled the number of laptops available for borrowing
2022We need more e-booksIncreased e-book holdings from 280,000 in 2019 to 470,000 in 2022
2022More collections in arts and humanitiesPurchased new primary source digital collections; Gale’s stats papers online, Burney, Perdita manuscripts and the 18th century Drama collections
2022In-person help post CovidExtended our Peer Advisor service to all semester long to support library users
2022Improve access to library trainingMoved classes on line
2022More technology Created a library Makerspace
20223D printing pleaseFree 3D printing service available in the library
2022Can we take out more books at a time

We have increased your number of book loans

 No. of ItemsDuration
Undergraduates10 Books28 Days
Postgraduates20 Books28 Days


2022Book fines are too costlyLibrary users no longer pay any fines on overdue materials
2022Can you extend the loan period on borrowed items?You can now borrow a book for the year. It will only be recalled if someone else requests it.
2022As a undergraduate, can I use interlibrary loans?The Library provides interlibrary loans to all students
Dec 2021Will the library be extending opening hours coming up to exams?The library extended opening hours with the building open from 7 a.m. to midnight during exam time.
Nov 2021Would it be possible to buy hard copies of Cite it Right in the library?The library is back selling the print version of Cite it Right at the Information Desk
Oct 2021Additional support for researchers in Special Collections & ArchivesSpecial Collections & Archives launched a suite of new online research guides, highlighting the strengths of its collections in line with 8 key research themes: architecture, the Bolton Library; archival diaries; the Dunraven Papers; estates and family history; literature; military history and the National Dance Archive of Ireland (NDAI)
Sept 2021Does Special Collection & Archives have a scanner I can use?Special Collections & Archives has introduced a ScanTent for scanning loose and bound documents; a convenient means of taking high quality scans with your phone.
July 2021Please could you improve access to academic journalsThe library provides more seamless access to academic journals through use of Browzine and LibKey
March 2021As a postgraduates I need more flexible access to the library and especially to eBooks

Updated the library’s guide to Ebooks
Added some new FAQs about ebooks

Ran a story on Instagram with Q&A enabled, about ebooks, view the story in the library’s highlights after the story expires

March 2021We need to know more about Data Management and what systems are available for storage of our research dataWe have produced a Libguide on Research Data Management that includes information on the available storage options for Students and Staff as well as best practice in how to use these efficiently and effectively. We have also created a new Research Data Management series of workshops designed to help researchers understand the diversity of data and their management needs across the research data lifecycle
March 2021Make it easier for me to publish Open AccessWe have signed a number of Open Access publishing deals with major publishers which makes Publishing Open Access more straight forward and at no cost to the researcher 
Jan-March 2021What services is the library providing during semester 2 and the level 5 restrictions

Rolled out a new Seat Booking System to allow the booking of ‘Essential Use’ Study Seats.  Controlled access to the library leads to a safer environment and includes Covid Contact Tracing, if required

Opened additional ‘Essential Use’ study seats to include all years, initially we opened to postgraduate and final year students only.

Extended the Opening Hours to late night and weekend opening, for Essential Use only

Removed the Click & Collect and put in place 30 minute Browse & Borrow session for self-selection of library material

Resumed our Scan & Deliver service - request a digital scan of physical articles or chapters, subject to copyright restrictions

Dec 2020How can I return my books to the library during Covid?  We have extended loan periods throughout 2020 and into 2021 so that books on loan are not overdue and we have suspended library fines.
Dec 2020What supports does the library have for preparing thesis research?The library has an online guide called ‘Thesis Preparation’. This guide is a learning resource for students of all faculties at UL. It describes each stage of thesis preparation and highlights library services and resources that are available to students including academic journals, ebooks, SAGE Research Methods videos and referencing software.
Nov 2020What is the library doing to prepare for semester 1, 2020

Implemented reading list service so students could access recommended reading for their courses via Sulis and Moodle

Purchased electronic versions of essential reading and etextbooks in Sulis and Moodle

Scanned printed chapters to create electronic versions in Sulis and Moodle

Introduced seat booking system

Implemented Covid response plan to allow full reopening of library building, included mask mandate, social distancing measures, hand sanitizing and extra cleaning routines

Created electronic videos on what to expect in the new semester and how to use the online library

Introduced CHAT service

April 2020In response to your queries submitted to Ask Us and during Covid-19 campus closure, we introduced further initiatives.

We introduced a Virtual Library during the campus closure

New ebooks LibGuide was made available.

The library published a new guide on Open Access:  How to Find Open Access Resources for Scholarly Work.

Users can now register for EndNote Online from home via the proxy server, and not exclusively from a pc on campus

179+ ebooks added to collections from new subscription to eBook Central

Library workshops and information skills training moved to online delivery

March 2020What supports is the library providing during this period of closure?

We have developed an Online Library Services during Campus Closure webpage, a newly updated FAQs and a member of our library team will respond to your email at


March 2020Can you provide remote access to software to enable online teaching and learning to continue off-site?   The following software is now available to download remotely: NVIVO and EndNote, SPSS for students & Staff
Nov 2019Where can I find out about new, recently acquired books added to the libraryWe have a guide on the library website where you can find New Books in the Library that have been added to our collection in the last 30 days
Oct 2019Downloading Endnote is cumbersome and confusingEndNote – simplified who has access to the EndNote Software. All staff and students can now download the software to their own personal laptops. They can request this from the information desk. 
Oct 2019Using Endnote can be confusing and its not clear how to get helpEndNote Support – Increased the amount of support available to Staff & Students. 
Oct 2019“Make information skills training available more regularly so that not everyone is looking for the same thing at the same time.”Increased the classes from monthly to fortnightly and included a drop in session at the end of the class for queries. Setup a fortnightly drop in clinic from 4-6pm on Thursdays. 
Oct 2019I’m publishing my work, where can I get an ISBN or DOIIdentifier service – created a procedure whereby staff and students can request DOI’s, ISBNs etc. Central email setup to monitor queries and ensure a prompt reply in the event of staff absences.
Sept 2019Where can I see what workshops are provided by the libraryInformation Literacy sessions are scheduled and advertised now on the library website. 
Sept 2019Skills training (for researchers and students) – short (three minute or so) explainer videos would be useful for bite sized training

We created new instructional videos created for Information Literacy

Sept 2019What services does the library provide for postgradsNew information leaflets created particularly the one for postgrads and Finding a Book 
Sept 2019There are not enough copies of books that everyone in my class needsAdditional copies of most heavily borrowed (and reserved) books were ordered
Sept 2019I’m not a UL student or staff member, can I access the library’s e-resourcesThe new Visitor/Walk-in service was launched in early August. This allows any visitor who has applied online the opportunity to access the library’s e-resources (subject to licence availability). 
Sept 2019Navigating my way around the library can be confusingThere are now wall-mounted floor plans on each floor of the library and paper floor plans available on leaflet stands and at the Information Desk. 
May 2019When I order a book how do I know when it arrives (faculty)A process has been put in place to alert the faculty member when the book is in stock
May 2019How do I access high quality content that is not included in the library’s journal subscriptions? The library developed a webpage that describes alternative sources for scholarly content 
April 2019Some of the wooden doors are banging when they closeWe audited all the doors and logged these to be fixed with Buildings & Estates
April 2019The Library is too warm and there is no air circulatingThrough liaison with Buildings & Estates a faulty sensor was identified, and the issue has been resolved
April 2019Can the lending laptops have SPSS on them?Unfortunately the lending laptops can’t have SPSS on them, but we talked to our ITD colleagues and SPSS is now loaded on to the PCs in the large and small training rooms
April 2019Can the Library open earlier in the morningThe Library opening hours have changed from 08:30 to 07:00
March 2019Faculty would like dedicated bookable spacesWe created faculty only bookable rooms on floor one of the library extension
March 2019Can I get a USB to use with the book scannerLibrary USB's are for sale at the Information Desk
Jan 2019Can scanning facilities be improvedWe introduced a book scanner for use in the Library
Nov 2018The plugs at desks aren't workingWe audited all sockets at study desks and logged these to be fixed with Buildings & Estates.
Nov 2018I need help with referencingWe re-ran referencing classes in week 10 of semester 1.
Nov 2018There are problems with the Wi-FiWe worked with our colleagues in ITD to audit the Wi-Fi and resolved the issue that was causing the problem in the new wing.
Nov 2018Library badly needs water facilities for students to refill bottlesWe introduced water fountains on each floor of the new wing that allow refilling of small and large bottles and that count the number of plastic bottles saved.
Nov 2018Even with the new wing, it is still hard to find a seatEvery Seat Counts ran again in the latter 5 weeks of semester.
Oct 2018More space to work in groupsWe added 24 new group rooms to the library's online room booking system.
Oct 2018Not enough PCs in the libraryWe introduced laptop lending, which makes 48 laptops available for loan in the library for up to 4 hours.
Sept 2018Extend Opening HoursWe extended opening hours from 8:30 am to midnight Monday to Friday during semester.
Sept 2018It would be better if the library and IT help desks for students were near each other.We welcomed our colleagues from ITD to a new location near the library's information desk and have worked with them to streamline service hours.
Aug 2018The library should consider dividers between desks to provide an individual study space.  This might seem old fashioned but would definitely deter chit-chat especially among younger studentsOpened the new wing of the Glucksman Library, adding 1,000 additional seats and more study rooms and collaborative spaces.  We took your advice and installed dividers between desks too.
June 2018What genius designed this 'Ask Us Tell Us' feature? The 'enter' sending the message is very frustrating!Updated the online form where you submit questions to us so that the 'return' button that you described as 'frustrating' is no longer an issue when submitting a query
May 2018I think the layout of the library website can be confusing i.e. where to find different thingsUpdated the library's search so that you can search for a journal article from within the journals A to Z list.
March 2018Would be great to have more break out rooms for study groups or group projects with the appropriate suppliers of white board and markersPut a white board in the library's bookable group study rooms and the new library will have many more facilities for group study.
Feb 2018Why can't I download the software packages, why do I have to come in and borrow them on a USB?Downloadable software, including EndNote, is made available from the Library Information Desk
Nov 2017Simply not enough space for students for these exams with new library not yet builtLibrary allocated refurbished space on floor 1 temporarily for student use, providing 98 additional seats in a WiFi zone for student exam preparation.
Nov 2017It is hard to find a study space in the library when it's busyCreated and distributed information relation to campus study space in response to student need for study space for exams
Aug 2017A lot of sockets and plugs aren't workingThe library's staff check the power outlets regularly to ensure they are working and faults are reported and repaired every month.
July 2017Postgraduate student in LibQual 2016: "I am generally very pleased with the library.  But I find the lack of computers very frustrating, and often see undergraduate students wasting time whilst postgraduates are queued waiting for access to computers/printers".We put 12 PCs in the Postgraduate Reading Room on Floor 1 in the library
Feb 2017People can login to my library account as it is not securedInstigated a login and password on library accounts to ensure data privacy
Feb 2017So difficult to find things on the old websiteLaunched a new, more intuitive user focused library website in January 2017
Feb 2017It is impossible to figure out printing, scanning and photocopying in the libraryWe added a Print, Copy and Scan section to our new website to explain these services.
April 2016Why can't I book somewhere to study online?Introduced online group study room booking service
Dec 2015The Library is too hotThe UL Buildings & Estate Department assessed our heating system and repaired a fault that now means we can better control temperature.
Nov 2015Get students to stop leaving coats, bags and books in the library taking up a desk while they go off to a lectureWe hired students to work in the library and monitor desk use, clearing desks left unoccupied for more than 45 minutes. This scheme is referred to as Every Seat Counts and runs at the end of each semester.
Nov 2015Open the library late on Sundays coming up to examsProvided 10:00 am to 22:00 pm opening on Saturdays and Sundays at the end of semester
Nov 2014Sometimes books are difficult to findThe Student Peer Advisors are on hand at the start of Semester 1 to show people how to use the catalogue and locate books.  We replaced and improved signage on shelving bays.  We updated library layout floorplan showing collections.
Nov 2014"There isn't sufficient signage telling me where certain books are kept"We placed signs on main floor depicting the floor number of each shelf-mark and subject area.
Oct 2014There are no spaces for Postgraduates to study We created a Postgraduate Reading Room on floor 1
Sept 2014There are non-UL students using the library and there is not enough space for UL studentsWe installed access control at library entrance
Aug 2014It would be amazing if the journals could be printed and viewed from home using a UL ID NoWe simplified and improved how you login to journals and e-books from home
Feb 2014Can something be done about flashing florescent bulbs?Staff do a weekly audit of light fixtures/bulbs that need fixing or replacement, pass information to Security for collection by electrician on Monday
Feb 2014The self-service system is full of flaws, every time I use check out a book, an alarm goes off as I leave and I have to queue up to get it re stamped, thus invalidating the self-service systemIn 2014 we replaced the self-service machines in the library.  The new machines combined with a major project to update borrower records more frequently should mean an end to the issues you told us about.
Feb 2014A lot of the sockets in the library are not functioning which leads to no power for laptopsAll study desks are now numbered to make it easier to report faults
Aug 2013The library is too noisyWe glassed off the atria to reduce noise on the upper floors.  We created Silent, Quiet and Group Zones in the library to facilitate study and group work
April 2013The internet is too slowITD reviewed and improved the WiFi in the library and have recommended where possible people should use wired connections on desks
April 2012Open earlier to facilitate study early in the morningsWe started opening at 8:00 am leading up to and including exam periods  
April 2012Open short loans longer in the eveningsShort loans now remain open in the evenings after 9:00 pm and Saturday after 4:30 pm
April 2012Severe shortage of core textsWe increased book fund spending and increased our book stock.  We have invested in large numbers of e-books which can be accessed 24/7

About the LibQual Survey in UL

The LibQUAL library survey is one of the most important tools in our quality improvement programme. We have run the survey every two years since 2007. We listen to what the UL community has to say about the library and we respond by making improvements to our collections, services and spaces through our on-going quality improvement plan.

LibQual is a customer satisfaction survey used by thousands of academic libraries worldwide. The survey asks 22 core questions and measures satisfaction rates in 3 areas - the physical space of the library, the materials and resources the library has and the service provided by library staff.

The survey allows us to:

  • Provide quantitative evidence on user satisfaction
  • Identify which services are most desired by our users
  • Benchmark our library against other libraries worldwide
  • Measure our own improvement over time

Each year that we run the LibQual survey we receive a 'notebook' of results. This is a very detailed document that analyses each question and provides us with summaries of how you feel we are doing for your group.

Your can download each of our notebooks here:

Glucksman Library UL LibQual Notebook 2007

Glucksman Library UL LibQual Notebook 2009

Glucksman Library UL LibQual Notebook 2012

Glucksman Library UL LibQual Notebook 2014

Glucksman Library UL LibQual Notebook 2016

Glucksman Library UL LibQual Notebook 2018

Glucksman Library UL LibQual Notebook 2022

Contact and more information

Queries about the UL survey can be sent to

More information about the survey instrument is available at