Laptops can be borrowed for up to 4 hours. There is no charge to borrow a laptop; you just need your UL Student ID card. Fines will apply for late returned, lost, stolen or damaged laptops.

The following charges apply and will accrue on an individual borrower’s library account until cleared and the item is returned or replaced.

Hourly fee for late return of laptop €1 per hour or part thereof. You may also be blocked from ALL borrowing
Damaged / non returned laptop Max replacement cost €700. Repairs will be assessed by ITD and advised to borrower

The Laptop Loan Service

  • Laptops can be borrowed for up to 4 hours from one of two self-service laptop lending kiosks on the ground floor of the Glucksman Library using your UL Student ID Card.
  • Laptops are available from when the Library opens and must be returned to the laptop cabinet 15 minutes before the Library closes.
  • Laptops on the middle 3 rows of the lending cabinets can be made available to you by pressing the Accessibly Option on the unit.
  • Laptops must be plugged in when returned to the cabinet. Laptops that are not plugged in will remain on your library account and you will incur fines as a result. If there is no light displaying beside the locker after you have returned the laptop, you have not returned the laptop properly.
  • You will receive an email from the library when the laptop is successfully returned
  • You are responsible for the laptop during the loan period. Do not loan it to anyone else or leave it unattended at any time.
  • Please do not swap laptops with other students, laptops are attached to locker numbers, therefore the same laptop must be returned to its locker.
  • Laptops are for use within the library only.


Using the Laptops

  • Firstly connect to the UL wireless (Eduroam) by clicking Wi-Fi symbol bottom right of the screen, select Eduroam and click connect. Enter your UL email address and password to connect to UL wireless.
  • To login to the laptop, please use your UL username and password.
  • All files saved on the laptops will be deleted on shutdown.
  • Save your files to online services such as Office 365 and please SAVE your work regularly.
  • Log out of all websites and applications when returning the laptop.
  • Shut down the laptop when you are finished.
  • Plug the power cable in when returning the laptop to the cabinet.
  • Use of Library laptops is governed by the University’s Code of Conduct for the use of UL Computing Resources.