Identity Statement
Reference Code: P/28
Title: The Simon Dalby Papers
Dates: 1956-1993
Extent: 15 Boxes
Content & Structure
The collection comprises published and unpublished material collected by Simon Dalby for the preparation of his MA thesis, Political Ecology: A Study of the Irish Anti-Nuclear Movement, for the University of Victoria (Canada) in 1982. Published material includes articles; books, booklets and pamphlets; conference proceedings, speeches and public lectures; EEC communiqués; newsletters; periodicals; press cuttings; reports; and treaties and acts. Unpublished material comprises correspondence, minutes, reports, fact sheets, posters and other items created by Irish anti-nuclear groups including Alliance for Safety and Health (ASH), An Taisce, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, CONSERVE, Donegal Uranium Committee, The Ecology Party, Friends of the Earth, Noxious Industry Action Group, Nuclear Opposition Wexford, Nuclear Safety Association, Socialist Labour Party, Trade Union Anti-Nuclear Campaign and UCC Nuclear Opposition Group. There are also notes created by Simon Dalby during the preparation of his thesis, including extracts from published material; notes taken during interviews, conferences and seminars; and notes on minutes and correspondence.
Conditions of Access & Use
Access: Available by appointment
Finding Aid: Descriptive List (click on link attached)
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