Reference Code: IE 2135 P86
Title:The Emmanuel College Cambridge Collection
Dates of Creation:c. 1680-1720
Level of Description:Fonds
Extent and Medium:1 bound manuscript volume
Name of Creator(s): Emmanuel College, Cambridge.
Administrative History: Emmanuel College, Cambridge was founded in 1584 by Sir Walter Mildmay (1520/21-1589), Chancellor of the Exchequer to Queen Elizabeth I, for the purpose of educating Protestant preachers. The college was puritan in its outlook, and its early statutes promoted a Spartan and disciplined regimen. Owing to its strong Protestant ethos, the College grew rapidly. By the 1620s, it was the largest in Cambridge. The College did not only expand physically. Over the course of the seventeenth century, it broadened its scope and developed into a centre of humanist and latitudinarian study.
Archival History: Unknown.
Immediate Source of Acquisition: Purchased from Bernard Quaritch Ltd., rare books and manuscripts dealers of London, on 30 October 2019.
Content and structure
Scope and Content: A bound manuscript compendium of statutes, orders and decrees relating to Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Covering the period 1585 to 1661, the contents reflect the physical and curricular expansion of the College during its first 75 years of existence.
Appraisal, Destruction and Scheduling Information: All records have been retained.
Accruals: No accruals are expected.
Conditions of access and use
Conditions Governing Access: Unrestricted access to item.
Conditions Governing Reproduction: Standard copyright regulations apply to all items. For photocopying or reproducing material, please consult with the staff.
Language/ Scripts of Material: Latin and English.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements: Bound manuscript volume in quarter vellum over marbled boards with some wear to corners and edges and little light foxing to pages but otherwise in good condition.
Finding Aids: A hard copy of the descriptive catalogue is available at the Special Collections and Archives Department, Glucksman Library, University of Limerick.
Description Control
Archivist’s Note: Papers arranged and described by Anna-Maria Hajba. The following sources were used in preparing the identity statement: Bernard Quaritch’s sales catalogue ‘York Book Fair 2019 & September New Acquisitions’; ‘History of the College’, Emmanuel College website (https://www.emma.cam.ac.uk/about/history/); and Ford, L.: ‘ Mildmay, Sir Walter’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. https://www.oxforddnb.com/view/10.1093/ref:odnb/9780198614128.001.0001/odnb-9780198614128-e-18696, retrieved 25 November 2022.
Rules or Conventions: This description follows guidelines based on ISAD(G) 2nd edition, 2000, Irish Guidelines for Archival Description, 2009, National Council on Archives: Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997, and EAP Guidance on Data Protection for Archive Services, 2018.
Date of Description: November 2022.
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