An Comhdháil na Múinteoirí le Rincí Gaelacha (Congress of Irish Dance Teachers), colloquially known as An Comhdháil, is one of the largest Irish dance organisations and dates its formal existence from 1970. The organisation's structure comprises of the general membership which is organised on the basis of Branches spread throughout the world; the Executive Committee; the Panel of Examiners; and the Annual Convention.
An Comhdháil has two primary objectives namely:
1) To foster, encourage and promote the art and practice of Irish Dancing; and
2) To protect, defend and improve the rights and conditions of its members.
As part of its remit, An Comhdháil establishes and maintains the rules, standards and norms for a pyramidal system of Irish dance competition organised by its members. Competitions are therefore organised by grade and/or age at local, regional, provincial, national and international level. The pinnacle of competition is the An Comhdháil World Irish Dance Championships which are held on an annual basis at Easter. An Comhdháil also sets qualification and examination criteria for those seeking certification as Teachers (TCRG) and Adjudicators (ADCRG) of Irish Dancing. Examinations for these qualifications are organised on an annual basis. The supreme Governing Body of An Comhdháil is the Annual Convention which normally takes place in August. All members of the organisation are eligible to attend and vote on matters relating to the organisation's Constitution and Rules. A Graduation Dinner and Ceilí also takes place over the weekend at which those who have qualified as Teachers and Adjudicators that year are awarded their Diplomas. For further information on An Comhdháil please email comhdhail@irishdancingorg.com or check out the organisation's website www.irishdancingorg.com.
Content & Structure
The An Comhdháil papers will be received in the near future. Please check back with us later.
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