We wanted to remind teaching staff of the ways in which the library can support your teaching and enhance students’ information and digital literacies. You can avail of this in a number of ways.
Option 1: Interactive library resources on Brightspace
Integrate the Library’s Toolkits in your modules via your Brightspace sites – ask us how by emailing libinfo@ul.ie
a) The Assignment Toolkit on Brightspace supports students through the process of completing written assignments and is a self-paced learning resource with e-tivities and engaging interactive materials to teach students the key information literacy skills of finding and critically evaluating information and referencing scholarly sources.
b) The Research Information Toolkit is aimed at taught postgraduate students to teach them the critical information skills needed to complete a literature review. It guides learners through a 6 stage process, from planning and scoping the research question, to identifying reliable information sources, preparing effective search strategies, and critically evaluating and organizing your findings.
c) The Special Collections and Archives Toolkit illustrates how to explore the materials held in UL’s Special Collections and Archives, including rare books, manuscripts, archives and other primary sources that students can use for their assignments. Please register your interest for teaching and learning sessions with the Special Collections and Archives Department using this form.
Option 2: Classes that librarians can deliver to your students
If the library’s toolkits on Brightspace aren’t exactly what you need, speak to one of our librarians about delivering a tailored session of approx. 50 minutes to your students, online or in-person. Examples of the types of topics our librarians can cover with your students are:
- Is Chat GPT a good place to search for information for my assignments?
This class helps students learn where to find the best possible information for academic assignments or projects and shows them the subject resources available via the library for their discipline. - Getting to Grips with Academic Databases - learn good searching skills to locate high quality scholarly information for assignments
This session teaches students how to write a good search, which is not unlike writing good Ai prompts, and explains how to identify keywords and synonyms. Students will also learn Boolean search techniques and learn how to critically evaluate sources. - Referencing 101 in a GenAI age
This introductory workshop covers the importance of referencing, the Harvard UL citation style, and where to get help with referencing queries. It is designed for anyone who needs to understand the basics of referencing.
Whether it's through our Brightspace resources, or a tailored class with your students, the expertise the library can bring to your module can greatly benefit your students as they prepare their academic work. We encourage you to reach out to us to discuss how to advance any of the above, send a note to libinfo@ul.ie and we will direct your query to the relevant librarian, or archivist, who are are eager to collaborate with you to enhance students' information and digital literacy skills, which are crucial for their academic success.
Please get in touch with us directly if you have any questions or comments.