We would like to wish a warm welcome to all new and returning students to the Glucksman Library.
We have our student Peer Advisors at the library entrance to help you find your way around and answer any questions you may have.
All UL students are automatically library members. Your Student ID card is your membership card, so always bring it with you when you are coming to the library; you use it to swipe in, to borrow a laptop, to print, and to borrow books.
In addition to being able to borrow print books, you have access to almost 500,000 electronic books and 60,000 academic journals online through the library website, 24 hours a day.
Students can reserve a group study room in the library and avail of any of the technology rich spaces that are part of the library, including the i-Zone with a smart screen television, bookable Media Production Labs where you can create audio & video content, and the Makerspace which offers 3D printing, laser cutting and a selection of equipment which can be borrowed for free.
HeadSpace at UL Library offers a range of student-centred features to support neurodiversity, enhance calm and encourage wellbeing:
Energy Pods - rest for up to 20mins at a time, allowing students to take a break to rejuvenate mind and body.
Electronic Height Adjustable desks - study desks where students can sit or stand.
Study Bikes – stationary bicycles with an attached height-adjustable desktop, which encourages gentle movement while studying.
Health and Wellness Library Guide – offering information and recommended reading that provide practical support strategies to help improve health and wellness.
Librarians give classes throughout the semester, and you can reserve a space at any of these free classes by visiting the Library Events calendar.
You can contact the library by email at libinfo@ul.ie or consult our Frequently Asked Questions if you have a query. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, TikTok or Twitter.
We are open from 07:00 to midnight on weekdays and are open every weekend during the academic year. The library staff are looking forward to welcoming you this semester.
Please get in touch with us directly if you have any questions or comments.