Library staff at the University of Limerick are proactive in supporting the study of librarianship and of library and information services, through scholarly research, publishing, presenting at conferences, continuing professional development and engaging with professional associations to establish best practice and expertise
Cronin UM, Shannon A, O’ hAodha M et al. (2024) ‘What is known from the existing literature about the treatment of Mallet Injury using 3D printed splints? A Scoping Review Protocol’ [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]. HRB Open Res 2024, 7:21 (https://doi.org/10.12688/hrbopenres.13865.2)
Boyle, S., Conrick, V., Punch, P., and O’Sullivan, A. (2023) ‘The Lawyering Toolkit: a supportive tool to close the legal literacy gap between learners and practice professionals – a proof-of-concept report’, Legal information management, 23(2), 81–89, available: https://doi.org/10.1017/S1472669623000221.
Breen, M., Waters, J. and O’Shea, L., (2022). Taking a Lead on Digital Literacy for Students—A Case Study from the Library at the University of Limerick. New Review of Academic Librarianship, pp.1-22. DOI: https://hdl.handle.net/10344/11026
Lee, S., Allison, T., O’Neill, D., Punch, P., Helitzer, E., and Moss, H. (2022) ‘Integrative review of singing and music interventions for family carers of people living with dementia’, Health promotion international, 37(Supplement_1), i49–i61, available: https://doi.org/10.1093/heapro/daac024
MacFarlane, A., Phelan, H., Tighe, S.M., Garry, F., and Punch, P. (2022) ‘The use of music as an arts- based method in migrant health research: a scoping review’, in Annals of Family Medicine, American Academy of Family Physicians, available: https://doi.org/10.1370/afm.20.s1.2728.
Porter, C., Garrett, Z., Milligan, R., Derven, C. and Bergin, K., 2022. Placing the archive online: a WebGIS approach to sharing library collections. e-Perimetron, 17(4), pp.161-180.
Reilly, P.J., (2022). Developing Emotionally Intelligent Work Teams Improves Performance and Organizational Wellbeing: A Literature Review. New Review of Academic Librarianship, pp.1-15. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/13614533.2022.2112716
Bashir, A. Y., Moloney, N., Elzain, M. E., Delaunois, I., Sheikhi, A., O'Donnell, P., ... & Gulati, G. (2021). From nowhere to nowhere. Homelessness and incarceration: a systematic review and meta- analysis. International Journal of Prisoner Health.
Wilms, L., Derven, C., and Martinez, M. (2021) ‘LIBER Digital Humanities and Digital Cultural Heritage Working Group: a case study of international collaboration and network building’, Art Libraries Journal, 46(2), 57–63, available: https://doi.org/10.1017/alj.2021.6
Coffey, A., Tuohy, D., Doody, O., Noonan, M., Bradshaw, C., Murphy, S., Dore, L., Lyons, R., McGeehan, M. et al (2021) 'A rapid realist review of quality care process metrics implementation in nursing and midwifery practice', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, available: https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijerph182211932.
Breathnach, Ciara, Mulrennan K., and Sinéad Keogh S., (2021). “Making Space: Archival Transcribathons and Practice-Based Learning in Undergraduate Medical History.” History Teacher 54(4): 609–36.https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=152755271&site=ehost-live
Hunt, I; Ryan, A., Ó hAodha, M., and Rezaei-Zadeh, M. (2021) “Industry requirements, thesis-writing and the emergence of flexible educational programmes: Reflections on the university learner experience” in Industry and Higher Education Volume 36, Issue 3, available: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/09504222211032908
Garry, F., Murphy Tighe, S., MacFarlane, A., and Phelan, H. (2020) ‘The use of music as an arts-based method in migrant health research: a scoping review protocol’, HRB open research, 3, 75–75, available: https://doi.org/10.12688/hrbopenres.13121.1
Hajba, A.-M. (2020) ‘John Nash in Ireland: Patronage and Legacy’, Architectural History 63, 111-142, available: https://doi.org/10.1017/arh.2020.4.
McCaffrey, T., Cheung, P.S., Barry, M., Punch, P. and Dore, L. (2020). The role and outcomes of music listening for women in childbirth: An integrative review. Midwifery, [online] 83, p.102627, available: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0266613820300012 [Accessed 31 Mar. 2020].
Mulrennan, K. (2020) ‘Lessons in making the unique ubiquitous: diversifying the role of the special collections and archives department to enhance teaching and learning at the University of Limerick’, Archives and Records 41, 2 (2020): 126–147. https://doi.org/10.1080/23257962.2020.1713070
O’Reilly, P., Kennedy, C., Meskell, P., Coffey, A., Delaunois, I., Dore, L., Howard, S., Ramsay, B., Scanlon, C., Wilson, D.M., Whelan, B. and Ryan, S. (2020). The psychological impact of Stevens– Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis on patients’ lives: a Critically Appraised Topic*. British Journal of Dermatology, 183(3), pp.452–461.
Crilly, G., Dowling, M., Delaunois, I., Flavin, M., & Biesty, L. (2019). Critical care nurses' experiences of providing care for adults in a highly technological environment: A qualitative evidence synthesis. Journal of clinical nursing, 28(23-24), 4250-4263.
Hajba, A.-M. (2019) ‘It’s a Long Way to Tipperary: Using the Estate Collection to Develop an Online Presence’, Archives and Records, 40 (1), 55-72, available: https://doi.org/10.1080/23257962.2019.1567306.
McCaffrey, C. (2019) ‘Transforming the university library one step at a time: a ten year LibQUAL+ review,’ New Review of Academic Librarianship, 25(1), 59-75,available: https://doi.org/10.1080/13614533.2018.1511438, OA link: http://hdl.handle.net/10344/7725
O’Reilly, P., Kennedy, C., Meksell, P., Coffey, A., Delaunois, I., Dore, L., Howard, S., Ramsay, B., Scanlon, C., Wilson, D.M., Whelan, B., Ryan, S., (2019) ‘The psychological impact of Stevens–Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis on patients’ lives: a Critically Appraised Topic’, British Journal of Dermatology, 183, 452-461.
Breen, M., Dundon, M. and McCaffrey, C. (2018) ‘Making Every Seat Count: Space Management at Peak Times in a University Library’. New Review of Academic Librarianship, 24(1), 105-118, available: http://hdl.handle.net/10344/6456 [accessed 18 Jan 2018].
Gulati, G., Keating, N., O’Neill, A., Delaunois, I., Meagher, D. and Dunne, C.P. (2018) 'The prevalence of major mental illness, substance misuse and homelessness in Irish prisoners: systematic review and meta-analyses', Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, pp. 1-11. doi: 10.1017/ipm.2018.15.
Derven, C., (2018) ‘Getting Wind of a New Opening’: Joyce in the Digital Age Conference, Columbia University, New York, 1 October 2017. James Joyce Quarterly. 53 (3), 195–199. [online]. Available from: https://muse.jhu.edu/article/697203.
Reilly, P. (2017) ‘Creative approaches to teaching graduate research methods workshops’, Nordic Journal of Information Literacy in Higher Education Vol 9, Issue 1, pp 21 -36, available at https://ulir.ul.ie/handle/10344/6354
McCaffrey, C. and Breen, M. (2016) ‘Quiet in the library: an evidence-based approach to improving the student experience’, portal: Libraries and the Academy, Vol. 16, No. 4 (2016), pp. 775–791, available: https://muse.jhu.edu/article/632345/pdf
Punch, P. (2016) ‘Reflections on the IALL Conference 2015 and Some Thoughts About Brexit: Perhaps Brexit is the Ending of the International Era and the Beginning of the Transnational Period?’, Legal information management, 16(3), 197–200, available: https://doi.org/10.1017/S1472669616000426
Reilly, P. (2015) 'Strategies to ensure Deep Learning occurs in MBA Information Literacy workshops', Journal of Business and Finance Librarianship, 20(3), 172-188, available: https://ulir.ul.ie/handle/10344/4560 [accessed 8 Aug 2015].
Bracken, F., Earls, D., Madders, C., O'Leary, F., Ronan, S., Ward, C., Tolan, P. and Wusteman, J. (2014) 'The potential use of online tools for scientific collaboration by biology researchers', Aslib Journal of Information Management, 66(1), 13-37, available: http://ulir.ul.ie/handle/10344/3640 [accessed 11 Nov 2014].
O'Brien, E., Mellett, S. and Ó hAodha, M. (2014) 'The use of web 2.0 to support informal learning in third level through the Library', in Mastorakis, N., Dondon, P. and Borne, P., eds., Advances in Educational Technologies: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Educational Technologies Conference (EMET 2014), Santorini, Greece, 18-20 Jul 2014, 132-135.
Dalton, M. (2013) 'Developing an evidence-based practice healthcare lens for the SCONUL Seven Pillars of Information Literacy model', Journal of Information Literacy, 7(1), 30-43, available: http://ulir.ul.ie/handle/10344/3175 [accessed 13 Nov 2013].
Dalton, M. (2013) 'There is a lack of standardization in the collection development and circulation policies of prison library services', Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 8(2), 248-250, available: http://ulir.ul.ie/handle/10344/3181 [accessed 13 Nov 2013].
McCaffrey, C. (2013) 'LibQUAL in Ireland: performance assessment and service improvement in Irish university libraries', The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 39(4), 347-350, available: http://ulir.ul.ie/handle/10344/3839 [accessed 11 Nov 2014].
Dalton, M. (2012) 'Key Performance Indicators in Irish Hospital Libraries: Developing Outcome-Based Metrics to Support Advocacy and Service Delivery', Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 7(4), 82-95, available: http://ulir.ul.ie/handle/10344/2759 [accessed 13 Nov 2014].
Dalton, M. (2012) 'Traditional factors of fit, perceived quality, and speed of publication still outweigh open access in authors' journal selection criteria', Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 7(4), 102-104, available: http://ulir.ul.ie/handle/10344/2760 [accessed 13 Nov 2014].
Fallon, H., Maxwell, J., McCaffrey, C. and McMahon, S. (2011) 'Engaging with leadership development in Irish academic libraries: some reflections of the Future Leaders Programme (FLP)', Australian Library Journal, 60(1), 8-20, available: http://ulir.ul.ie/handle/10344/1035 [accessed 13 Nov 2014].
Ó hAodha, M. (2011) 'Travellers and communal identity: memory, trauma and the trope of cultural disappearance', Études irlandaises, (36-1), 43-57, available:http://etudesirlandaises.revues.org/2126 [accessed 14 Nov 2014].
Hajba, A.-M. (2023) The Building of Adare Manor: A Family Chronicle, Dublin: Eastwood Books.
Ó hAodha, M. [Trans.] (2023) An Island Christmas - Nollaig Oileánach; [M. Ó Conghaile], Cork: Mercier Press (2023) https://www.amazon.co.uk/Island-Christmas-Nollaig-Oile%C3%A1nach-Translated/dp/1781178461/
Ó hAodha, M. [Trans.] (2023) A Soldier’s Song [D Mac Amhlaigh], UK: Parthian https://www.parthianbooks.com/products/a-soldiers-song
Ó hAodha, M. [Trans.] (2023) One Foot in a Spanish Grave: Eugene Downing's Memoir of the International Brigades In Spain, Dublin: UCD Press https://www.amazon.com/One-Foot-Spanish- Grave-International/dp/1910820768/
McCaffrey, C. (2021) 'Planning and implementing an automated storage and retrieval system at the University of Limerick', in Atkinson, J. ed. Technology, Change and the Academic Library. Hull, UK: Chandos Publishing, available: https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-822807-4.00014-2. Open access version: http://hdl.handle.net/10344/9369
Ó hAodha, M., (2020) This Road of Mine [Seosamh Mac Grianna]; Dublin: Lilliput Press, available: https://www.literatureireland.com/books/talking-translations-podcast/
McCaffrey, C. and Breen, M. (2019) ‘LibQUAL+ as a catalyst for change at the University of Limerick’, in Killick, S. and Wilson, F., eds., Putting Library Assessment Data to Work, London: Facet Publishing, 36-42.
Mahey, M., Al-Abdulla, A., Ames, S., Bray, P., Candela, G., Chambers, S., Derven, C., Dobreva- McPherson, M., Gasser, K., Karner, S., Kokegei, K., Laursen, D., Potter, A., Straube, A., Wagner, S-C. and Wilms, L. with forewords by: Al-Emadi, T. A., Broady-Preston, J., Landry, P. and Papaioannou, G. (2019) Open a GLAM Lab. Digital Cultural Heritage Innovation Labs, Book Sprint, Doha, Qatar, 23-27 September 2019. Pubpub. http://doi.org/10.21428/16ac48ec.f54af6ae.
Ó hAodha, M. (2019) Leabhar na nAistear 2; Dublin: Coiscéim
O’Riordan, G. (2019) ‘Re-imagining the university library – a transformative opportunity’, in Koen, D. and Engel Lesneski, T., eds., Library Design for the 21st Century: Collaborative Strategies to Ensure Success, Berlin: De Gruyter, 221-230, available: https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110617535-017
Ó Coileáin, S. (Author) and Ó hAodha, M. (Translator) (2018) Seán Ó Ríordáin: Life and Work; Cork: The Mercier Press
Ó hAodha, M. (2017) Leabhar na nAistear (The Book of Journeys), Dublin: Coiscéim.
O’Donnell, R. and Ó hAodha, M. eds. (2016) Voices from the Easter Rising, Dublin: Irish Academic Press/Merrion.
Ó Maolchathaigh, S. and Ó hAodha, M. eds. (2016) The Glen: An Gleann: Recollections from a Lost World; New York, Galway: Syracuse University Press/ Arlen House.
Bairéad, T and Ó hAodha, M. (2016) "Untitled": A Memoir of Ireland's Nascent Years, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Ó hAodha, M. and McCarthy, T. (2015) The Sacred Dance of the Irish Circus: Rural Ireland and Traveling Shows and Showpeople, 1922-1972; Palo Alto, California: Academica Press.
Ó Broin, L. and Ó hAodha M. (2014) The Irish Abolitionist: Richard Madden and the Subversion of Empire, Barcelona: Nuascéalta Publishing.
Ó hAodha, M. and Ó Catháin, M. eds. (2014) Irish Migrants in New Communities: Seeking the Fair Land? London: Rowman.
Ó hAodha, M. and Ó Catháin, M. eds. (2014) New Perspectives on the Irish Abroad: The Silent People? London: Rowman.
Ó hAodha, M. and McCarthy, T. (2014) Circus Tents And Tobers; Ireland: Southwest Ireland Academic
Martin, F.X., O'Donnell, R. and Ó hAodha, M. eds. (2014) The Howth Gun-Running and the Kilcoole Gun-Running: Recollections and Documents, Dublin and Portland: Irish Academic Press/Merrion
Rosenstock, G. and Ó hAodha, M. eds. (2014) Fluttering their way into my head: An exploration of haiku for young people, Dublin: Evertype.
Schroeder, F. and Ó hAodha, M. eds. (2014) Soundweaving: writings on improvisation, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Ó hAodha, M. (2014) An Scáileán Mór (The Big Screen: Essays on Film), Dublin: Coiscéim
Hayes, M. and Ó hAodha M. (2013) The Irish Republican Struggle in Limerick: Diary of a 16-year-old Volunteer; Dublin: Original Writing
Heneghan, J., Ó hAodha, M. and Moriarty, M. eds. (2013) Travellers and the settled community: a shared future, Dublin: Liffey Press.
Martin, F.X., O'Donnell, R and Ó hAodha, M. eds. (2013) The Irish Volunteers 1913-1915: Recollections and Documents, Dublin and Portland: Irish Academic Press/Merrion
McCarthy, T. and Ó hAodha, M. (2013) The big top: a photo-montage from Ireland's hidden past [ebook], Dublin: Original Writing.
Ó hAodha, M. and McCarthy, T. (2013) Never before seen in Ireland: Irish circus handbills: a visual history [ebook], Dublin: Original Writing.
Rosenstock G. and Ó hAodha, M. (2013) The Partisan and Other Stories; Dublin: Evertype
Ganchev, I., Meere, D., Ó Droma, M. and Ó hAodha, M. (2012) 'Device-independent and user- tailored delivery of mobile library service content' in Ally, M. and Needham, G., eds., M-Libraries 3: transforming libraries with mobile technology, London: Facet Publishing.
Ó hAodha, M. (2012) Insubordinate Irish: travellers in the text, Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Ó hAodha, M. (2012) 'Reconfiguring the traveller self: cultural memory and belonging' in Frawley, O., ed., Memory Ireland. Volume 2: diaspora and memory practice, New York: Syracuse University Press, 185-196.
Ó hAodha, M. (2011) Insubordinate Irish: Travellers in the Text, New York: Palgrave/Manchester University Press
Gallagher, G., Holfter, G., Ó hAodha, M. (2011) Connections~Verbindungen: Irish-German Perspectives through Etching, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK
Ó hAodha, M. and O’Callaghan, J. (eds.) (2011) Narratives of the Occluded Irish Diaspora: Subversive Voices, Oxford: Peter Lang
Ó’Gaora, C., O'Donnell, R. and Ó hAodha, M. eds. (2011) On the Run, The Story of an Irish Freedom Fighter, Mercer: Cork
Sanders, M. H. (2011) Looking at the broad picture: smarter software development for Irish companies (Richardson, I. and Ó hAodha, M., eds.), Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Meere, D., Ganchev, I., Ó Droma, M., Ó hAodha, M. and Stojanov, S. (2010) 'Evolution of modern library services: the progression into the mobile domain' in Ally, M. and Needham, G., eds., M- Libraries 2: a virtual library in everyone's pocket, London: Facet Publishing.
Ward, M. and Ó hAodha, M. eds. (2010) The Turn of the Hand: A Memoir from the Irish Margins, Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Hajba, A.-M. (2022) ‘A Ladies’ Tour of the Welsh Marches and North Wales’, Morgannwg: The Journal of Glamorgan History 65 (2021), 29-52.
Breen, M. (2021) “Reflections on how librarians teach information literacy: A book review of Aston, S. and Walsh, A., 2021. Library Pedagogies: Personal reflections from library practitioners. Huddersfield: Innovative Libraries Press.”, Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. Plymouth, UK, (21), available: doi: 10.47408/jldhe.vi21.646, open access version: http://hdl.handle.net/10344/10721
Quinn, E., Delaunois, I., Morgan, M., Leen, B., Casey, G., Kenny, G., ... & Research Subgroup of the National Immunisation Advisory Committee (2021). Do people with medical comorbidities require a booster dose of COVID-19 vaccine?, available: https://www.lenus.ie/handle/10147/631498
Delaunois, I., Reynolds, J., Barrett, S., & Leen, B. (2020). Evidence summary: What technologies are being used to enhance COVID-19 response?, available: https://www.lenus.ie/handle/10147/627600
Moloney, P. (2020) ‘Cataloguing older Irish language material: some brief notes on the Cló Gaelach’, Libfocus, April 02, 2020, available: https://www.libfocus.com/2020/04/cataloguing-older- irish-language.html
O'Reilly, P., Kennedy, K., Coffey, A., Delaunois, I., Dore, L., Howard, S., Meskell, P., Ramsay, B., Scanlon, C., Wilson, D.M., Ryan, S. (2020) Psychological interventions for adults with Stevens- Johnson syndrome (SJS) or toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) or severe burns: protocol for an integrative literature review. PROSPERO 2020 CRD42020159134, available: https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/display_record.php?ID=CR D42020159134
Hajba, A.-M. (2020), ‘The Battle of the Gifts: Princess Alexandra and the National Token of Wales’,Morgannwg: The Journal of Glamorgan History 64, 45-66.
Hajba, A.-M. (2020) ‘Viscount Lismore’s Tipperary Tenants’, Tipperary Historical Journal, 43-54.
Hajba, A.-M. (2019) ‘Emergency in a Country House: Shanbally Castle during the Second World War.’ Tipperary Historical Journal, 2019: 160-175
Wilms, Lotte, Derven, Caleb, O'Dwyer, Liam, Lingstadt, Kirsty, & Verbeke, Demmy. (2019, June 17). Europe's Digital Humanities Landscape: A Study from LIBER's Digital Humanities & Digital Cultural Heritage Working Group. Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3247286.
Hajba, A.-M. (2018) ‘Life on Viscount Lismore’s Banteer Estate.’ Mallow Field Club Journal 36 (2018): 159-170
Hajba, A.-M. (2018) ‘Dunraven Papers, University of Limerick.’ The Architectural Historian 7 (September 2018): 12-15.
O'Reilly, P., Kennedy, K., Coffey, A., Delaunois, I., Dore, L., Howard, S., Meskell, P., Ramsay, B., Scanlon, C., Wilson, D.M., Ryan, S. The psychological impact of Stevens Johnson Syndrome (SJS) or Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN) on an adult’s well-being: protocol for an integrative literature review. PROSPERO 2018 CRD42018111369, available: http://www.crd.york.ac.uk/PROSPERO/display_record.php?ID=CRD42018111369
Derven, C. and Breen, M. (2015) 'Hosted library services: clouds with silver linings', SCONUL Focus, 62, 11-14, available: https://access.sconul.ac.uk/sites/default/files/documents/4%20Derven.pdf [accessed 06 Jun 2015].
Bracken, F. (2014) 'Measuring the value of e-resources', An Leabharlann - The Irish Library, 23(1), 4- 11, available: http://hdl.handle.net/10344/3744 [accessed 11 Nov 2014].
Geraghty, A. (2011) 'Digital library: transformation of academic librarian roles', An Leabharlann - The Irish Library, 20(1), 19-23, available: http://ulir.ul.ie/handle/10344/1036 [accessed 13 Nov 2014].
McCaffrey, C., Reilly, P. and Feighan, H. (2010) '23 Things @ UL: a web 2.0 learning experience for faculty and staff at the University of Limerick', SCONUL Focus, 50, 25-28, available: https://access.sconul.ac.uk/sites/default/files/documents/8_4.pdf [accessed 11 Nov 2014].
Larkin, A. & Phelan, M. (2024) 'Collaboration for change in information literacy instruction', presented at CONUL Conference, 29-30 May.
Larkin, A., McInerney, C., Moloney, D. & Phelan, M. (2024) 'Navigating the transition to third-level: exploring the value of collaborative module design and delivery', presented at UL Learning, Teaching and Assessment Conference - Naming, Sharing and Transforming Practice, 17 January.
Lardner, O. (2024) ‘The Bolton Library: reconsidering an early modern book collection in the 21st century’. Early modern book collections: past, present and future (Historical Studies Committee and the Library of the Royal Irish Academy Lunchtime Lecture Series) R.I.A., Dublin, Ireland, 08 May 2024.
Derven, C. and Lardner, O. (2023). MARC Data as Datasets: The Bolton Library Catalogue as a Source for Digital Scholarship. CONUL Conference, May 2023, Cork, Ireland.
Lardner, O. (2023) ‘An enlightened archbishop: collecting mathematics in the Bolton Library’ 6th Irish History of Mathematics Conference (IHoM6), Maynooth, Ireland, 30 August 2023.
Lardner, O. (2023) ‘The Bolton Library: reassembling the jigsaw’ CEMS Winter School, Limerick, Ireland, 5 December 2023.
Lardner, O. and O’Callaghan, D. (2023) ‘Origins of the Bolton Library: items from the library of Isaac Basire (1607-1676)’ Eighteenth Biennial Conference of the Early Book Society, Limerick, Ireland, 11- 15 July 2023.
Hajba, A.-M. (2022) ‘An Intergenerational Chronicle: The Library at Adare Manor, County Limerick’, presented at 20th Anniversary Annual Historic Houses Conference, Maynooth University, 9-10 May 2022.
Breen, M., (2022). Taking a Lead on Digital Literacy for Students: A Case Study from UL. CONUL Conference, May 2022, Limerick, Ireland, available: https://www.slideshare.net/conulconference/michelle-breenpptx
Waters, J. (2021) ‘Peers prove perfect partners: student peer advisors at the University of Limerick’, presented at European First Year Experience Conference [online], 7-9 June 2021.
Durack, J. (2020) ‘Implementing & Delivering Virtual Reference Services in CONUL Libraries’ presented at a Conul [online] event, 15 July, 2020.
McCaffrey, C. (2020) 'Collaborative learning spaces to support engaged pedagogy', Proceedings from the International Conference on Engaging Pedagogy (ICEP), 2020 Limerick, Ireland.
Bergin, K. and Keogh, S. (2019) ‘Guardians of the Region – Making the Shannon Development Photographic collection available to all’ WRSLAI Summer Seminar, Shannon, Ireland 27 May 2019
Delaunois I., Dore L. (2019) There’s a lot more to it… Librarians as authors, it’s not just about searching!. HSLG Annual Conference 2019
Gibbons, S. and Waters, J. (2019) ‘How cross-institutional collaboration can support first year transition: evaluating a key first year initiative’, presented at SEDA Spring Teaching, Learning and Assessment Conference 2019, Belfast, N. Ireland, 9–10 May 2019.
Lardner, O. (2019) ‘Hidden treasures, fresh expressions: a new golden age for the Bolton Library?’ IGS Annual Knight of Glin lecture, Limerick, Ireland, 19 September 2019.
Lardner, O. (2019) ‘The hunter, Martin Luther, and griffons rampant: aesthetics of the Bolton Library’ CEMS Winter School, Limerick, Ireland, 2 December 2019.
McCaffrey, C. (2019) 'Planning a new library building: using assessment and data to transform spaces, services and collections', International Conference of Performance Measurement in Libraries, Aberystwyth, 23-25 July 2019. [In press]
Mulrennan K and Keogh S. (2019) ‘Bringing coroner’s records to life: a collaboration between the Glucksman Library and faculty to teach digital humanities to fourth-year history students at the University of Limerick’ ADHO Libraries and Digital Humanities SIG Pre-conference: “Libraries as Research Partners in Digital Humanities”, The Hague, Netherlands, 8 July 2019.
Mulrennan K and Keogh S. (2019) ‘Bringing coroner’s records to life - a collaboration between the Glucksman Library and faculty to teach digital humanities to fourth-year history students at UL’ EdTech, Dundalk, Ireland, 30-31 May 2019
Waters, J. (2019) ‘Sssshh, keep it snappy: communicating via Snapchat at Glucksman Library’, presented at UL Social Media Summit 2019, Limerick, Ireland, 10 December 2019.
Archbold, J. and Breen, M. (2018) ‘Amplifying CONUL’s Voice; Exploring how Ireland’s research libraries can be ‘heard’ in national and international contexts’, presented at Conul Annual Conference, 30-31 May 2018.
Enright, H. (2018) ‘Streamlining service: staffing a single service desk at the University of Limerick’ presented at Conul Annual Conference, 30-31 May 2018.
Keogh S. and Mulrennan K. (2018) ‘Getting bodies into the library – Introducing History students to archives using Coroner’s Records’ CONUL Teaching & Learning Annual Seminar, 1 Nov 2018.
Lardner, O. (2018) ‘Hidden treasures, fresh expressions’ CEMS Unlocking the Bolton seminar series (2), University of Limerick, Ireland, 22 May 2018.
O’Riordan, G. (2018) ‘Innovation in libraries - Views from the ground’, presented at Conul Annual Conference, 30-31 May 2018.
O’Shea, L. (2018) ‘Building the ARC: UL’s journey into automated storage and retrieval’, presented at Conul Annual Conference, 30-31 May 2018.
Punch, P. (2018) ‘Systematic reviews and protocol driven research: An EU perspective’. NLLC18 - 11th Nordic Law Libraries Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, August 2018
Delaunois I.; Walsh P.(2017) “New library space, successes and pitfalls”, presented at EAHIL 2017
Derven, C. and Keating, J. (2017) ‘Modeling Place in Ulysses: Ontologies and Pre-texts’, presented at Digital Humanities 2017, Montreal (CA), 08-11 Aug 2017, available: https://dh2017.adho.org/abstracts/437/437.pdf
McCaffrey, C. (2017) ‘Ten years of transformational change, one-step at a time: A LibQUAL study’, presented at 12th International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries, 31 Jul – 02 Aug 2017.
Burns, J., McCaffrey, C. and Delaney, M. (2017) ‘Be seen and be heard as a researcher: Insights from three librarians on developing researching skills, extending our community of practice and engaging in academic publishing’, presented at CONUL Annual Conference, 30–31 May 2017.
Bracken, F., Delaunois, I. and Dore, L. (2017) ‘Searching systematically for your research’, presented at Conul Annual Conference, 30-31 May 2017.
McCaffrey, C. (2017) ‘Research, academic writing and getting publishing in LIS journals’, presented at 9th Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference, 23–26 May 2017.
Breen, M. and McCaffrey, C. (2017) ‘Making every seat count: Space management at peak times in a university library’, presented at 9th Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference, 23–26 May.
Hunt, I., Dalton, R., O’hAodha, M., Williams, P. (2016), New Module Delivery in the Online Learning Environment: Pedagogical Approaches and Industry/Academic Integration, in Proceedings of IMC33rd Manufacturing Conference, University of Limerick, Ireland, 31 Aug -1 Sept 2016.
Keogh, S. (2016) ‘Supporting Internal Interns’, presented at CONUL Annual Conference, 1-2 June 2016, available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jw_4qOGKWM
Keogh S. (2016), ‘Old Cats, New Tricks: Upskilling and Reskilling for the UL Digital Library’, presented at 11th Annual Conference on Open Repositories (OR2016), 13-16 June 2016, available https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNSO0rZs-ms
Keogh S. (2016), ‘Digital Foundations: developing digital skills training resources at the Glucksman Library’, presented at HEAnet Annual Conference, 10-11 Nov 2016, available: https://conferences.heanet.ie/2016/talks/id/236
Reilly, P. (2016) “ I lost my Marbles @ Playful Learning 2016”, presented at CONUL Teaching & Learning Annual Seminar, 10 Nov. 2016.
Reilly, P. (2016) ‘Repurposing Children’s Literacy Games as Reflective Tools for Graduate Students’, presented at IGBL(Irish Game Based Learning) Conference, 02 Sep 2016.
Reilly, P. (2016) ‘Creative Techniques to Engage Students Deeper’, presented at LILAC Conference, 21-23 Mar 2016.
Reilly, P and Lee, C. (2016) ‘Develop Your Creativity to Engage Students Deeper’, presented at AS&L Conference, 11-12 Feb. 2016.
Bennett, J. (2015), ‘So many records - so little time. UL Library’s experience of outsourcing catalogue clean-up’, presented at CONUL Annual Conference 2-3 June 2015.
Derven, C. and Stack, P. (2015) ‘Preparing for the 21st Century Repository: Needs, Practices and Frameworks for Library-based Repository Staff’, presented at OR2015, 10th International Conference on Open Repositories, Indianapolis, Indiana (US), 08-11 Jun. 2015, available: http://program.or2015.net/default_034.html
Derven, C. and Murphy, H. (2015) ‘All Changed and Changed Utterly - Technological Innovation in Two Irish Libraries’, presented at 7th International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, 26-29 May 2015
Derven, C. (2015) ‘Digital Services at the University of Limerick’, presented at Maynooth University Library’s Seminar on Digital Scholarship, 15 Apr 2015.
Dore, L. and McSharry, B. (2015a) 'All aboard: Empowering staff and students to flourish in the digital age', presented at CONUL Teaching and Learning Annual Seminar, 10 Nov 2015, available:http://www.slideshare.net/GlucksmanLibraryUL/liz-dore-librarian-at-glucksman-library- university-of-limerick [accessed 18 Nov 2015].
Keogh, S. (2015) ‘Reimagining our Collections by Reimagining our People’, presented at CONUL Annual Conference 1-2 June 2016, available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbaqlsAnWUA
Keogh, S. (2015) ‘Digitisation & Creation: Developing a WW1 Digital Exhibition’, presented at Western Regional Section of the Library Association of Ireland Annual Seminar (WRSLAI 2015), 22 June 2015.
Hunt, I., Ó hAodha, M. (2015) “Module Creation and Delivery in a Seamless Learning Environment: Some Innovation and Pedagogic Perspectives” presented at Proceedings of the 15th Educational Technology Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, University of Limerick, Ireland, May 2015
McMahon, A. (2015) “UL’s experience of creating & migration Libguides”, presented at ANLTC, UCD. March 2015, available: https://www.slideshare.net/GlucksmanLibraryUL/ul-lib-guides
Reilly, P. (2015) ‘Creative Teaching Strategies for Deep Student Engagement’, presented at EdTech (ILTA) Beyond the Horizon: Policy Practise and Possibilities, 28-29 May 2015.
Reilly, P. (2015) ‘Powtoon a creative tool to engage you’, presented at EdTech (ILTA) “Beyond the Horizon: Policy Practise and Possibilities, 28-29 May 2015.
Breen, M. and Derven, C. (2014) 'Hosted library services: clouds do have silver linings', in HEAnet National Conference 2014, Cork, 07 Nov 2014, available: https://www.heanet.ie/conferences/2014/talks/id/127 [accessed 24 Nov 2014].
Derven, C. (2014) 'Islandora infrastructure at UL', in HEAnet National Conference 2014, Cork, 06 Nov 2014, available: https://www.heanet.ie/conferences/2014/talks/id/101 [accessed 24 Nov. 2014].
Derven, C. and Gleeson, C. (2014) 'PDA at the University of Limerick', in Acquisitions Group of Ireland Annual Seminar, Dublin, 23 May, available: https://speakerdeck.com/agi/caleb-derven [accessed 24 Nov 2014].
Derven, C., Teehan, A. and Keating, J. (2014) 'Mapping and unmapping Joyce: geoparsing wandering rocks', in Digital Humanities 2014, Lausanne, Switzerland, 09 Sep 2014, available: https://dh-abstracts.library.virginia.edu/works/1995 [accessed 24 Nov 2014].
Dore, L. and Ó Doibhlin, D. (2014) 'Space, technology, education and people for success to redefining the reference service at the Glucksman Library, University of Limerick', in LAI Academic & Special Libraries Annual Conference, Dublin, available: http://ulir.ul.ie/handle/10344/4146 [accessed 13 Nov 2014].
Madden, R. and Dore, L. (2014) 'LILAC 2014: some highlights & key themes', in CONUL Teaching and Learning Annual Seminar, Dublin, 10 Jun 2014, available: http://ulir.ul.ie/handle/10344/4147 [accessed 13 Nov 2014].
Reilly, P. (2014) 'Sharing our experiences', in University of Murcia Erasmus Staff Exchange Week, Murcia, Spain, 17-24 May 2014.
Derven, C. (2014) 'Building the UL digital library', in Islandora Camp UK 2014, London, 09 May 2014.
Dalton, M. (2013) 'What we talk about when we talk on twitter - #irelibchat', in LAI Academic & Special Libraries Annual Conference, Dublin, available: http://ulir.ul.ie/handle/10344/2942 [accessed 13 Nov 2014].
Nikolov N., Gupta, R., O’hAodha, M. (2013) ‘Crowdsourcing and Pedagogy: Some Reflections on the Museum as Collaborative Learning Space’, Ireland International Conference on Education (IICE-2013), 21-23 Oct 2013.
Ó hAodha, M. (2013) ‘Reclaiming the history of a travelling culture": a circus past', in 3rd Conference on Social Psychology in Ireland: "Them" and "Us"? Constructing Minority Identities: Community and Research Perspectives on Travellers, Roma and Immigrant Groups, Limerick, 03 Oct 2013.
Breen, M. and McCaffrey, C. (2013) 'Dealing with the noise problem: libraries improving their LibQual scores on "quiet space for individual work"', in 10th Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services, York, UK, 22-25 Jul 2013, available: http://libqual.org/documents/LibQual/publications/2013/northumbria-10-breen- mccaffrey.pdf [accessed 13 Nov 2014].
McCaffrey, C. (2013) 'Perceptions of LibQual: the experiences of library directors, LibQual administrators and university libraries in Ireland', in 10th Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services, York, UK, 22-25 Jul 2013, available: http://libqual.org/documents/LibQual/publications/2013/northumbria-10-mccaffrey.ppt [accessed 14 Nov 2014].
Dalton, M. (2013) 'Diagnosing information literacy: A healthcare lens for the SCONUL Seven Pillars model', in CONUL Advisory Committee on Information Literacy Annual Seminar, Dublin, 11 Jun 2013, available: http://ulir.ul.ie/handle/10344/3176 [accessed 13 Nov 2014].
Nikolov, N., Gupta, R. and Ó hAodha, M. (2013) 'Crowdsourcing and pedagogy: some reflections on the museum as collaborative learning space', in QQML2013: 5th International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, Rome, 04-07 Jun 2013.
Ó hAodha, M. and Mellett, S. (2013) 'SME's and collaborative learning: some challenges and possibilities', in Ireland International Conference on Education (IICE-2013), Dublin, 15-17 Apr 2013.
Dalton, M. (2013) 'Librarian as author: KPIs and metrics to support advocacy and service delivery', in Health Sciences Libraries Group Conference 2013, Dublin, 12 Apr 2013, available: http://ulir.ul.ie/handle/10344/3046 [accessed 13 Nov 2013].
Ó Doibhlin, D. (2013) 'Upskilling library staff: a brief overview of the Information Services team's response to a rapidly changing higher education and research environment at the Glucksman Library, University of Limerick', in Health Sciences Libraries Group Conference 2013, Dublin, 11 Apr 2013, available: http://ulir.ul.ie/handle/10344/3148 [accessed 24 Nov 2014].
Dalton, M. (2013) 'Tweet your heart out', in New Professionals Day 2013, Dublin, 02 Mar 2013, available: http://ulir.ul.ie/handle/10344/2943 [accessed 13 Nov 2014].
Dalton, M. (2012) 'Elearning tools and applications', in Health Science Libraries Group E-library Management Workshop, Dublin, available: http://www.lenus.ie/hse/handle/10147/271396 [accessed 14 Nov 2014].
Dalton, M. (2012) 'The library visits HSELanD: an exploratory journey into e-learning', in Health Science Libraries Group Conference 2012, Athlone, 09 Feb 2012.
Dalton, M. (2012) 'Opportunities for Publishing Medical Research', in 5th University of Limerick Graduate Entry Medical School (GEMS) Annual Research Forum, Limerick, 18 Jan 2012.
Ó Doibhlin, D. (2012) 'Establishing a student peer advisors' project in the Glucksman Library: benefits and challenges', in CONUL Advisory Committee on Information Literacy Annual Seminar, Dublin, 14 Jun.
Reilly, P. (2012) 'Developing storytelling as a critical thinking component in IL workshops for Corporate and Aviation Management MBAs', in QQML2012: 4th International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, Limerick, 22-25 May 2012.
Reilly, P. (2012) 'Mendeley: warts and all', in LIR Annual Seminar 2012: Collaboration in the cloud: Blue Skies or Grey?, Dublin, 30 Mar 2012.
Gallagher, M. (2011) 'Reawakening the past: digitisation at the Glucksman Library', in INULS Conference 2011, Dublin, 23 Jun 2011, available: http://ulir.ul.ie/handle/10344/1269 [accessed 13Nov 2014].
Meere, D., Ganchev, I., Ó Droma, M., Ó hAodha, M. and Stojanov, S. (2011) 'Device-independent and user-tailored delivery of mobile library service content within a multi-agent environment: some Irish perspectives/developments', in The Third International m-Libraries Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 11-13 May 2011.
Breen, M. (2011) 'If we lend them will they come; lending ebook readers at the Glucksman Library, UL', in LIR Annual Seminar 2011: Ebooks-Caressing the Divine Details, Dublin, 25 Mar 2011, available: http://ulir.ul.ie/handle/10344/934 [accessed 13 Nov 2014].
Ganchev, I., Ó hAodha, M., Meere, D. and O'Droma, M. (2011) 'Delivery of digital library mobile services within a university infostation-based environment', in Proceedings of QQML2012: 4th International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, Limerick, 22-25 May 2012.
Ó Doibhlin, D. (2011) 'Opportunities in the digital duration of medical data and research information', in 4th University of Limerick Graduate Entry Medical School (GEMS) Annual Research Forum, Limerick, Jan 2011
Nikola, S., Nikolov, N., Gupta, R. and O’hAodha, M. (2011) ‘3-D Virtual Space in Second Life Vs. Fixed Cultural Artefact - A Case Study’, presented at Localisation Research Centre Conference, 22-23 September, 2011
Reilly, P. (2011) 'Teaching information literacy skills to corporate and aviation management MBAs', in AISHE: All Ireland Society for Higher Education, Dublin, 25-26 Aug 2011.
Reilly, P. (2010) '23 Things@UL: a web 2.0 learning experience for all', in LIR Annual Seminar 2010: Access All Areas: mobile technology and freesources in libraries, Dublin, 25 Mar 2010.
Breen, M., Moloney, David F. (2024) ‘Let’s talk GenAI – A practical and collaborative approach to introducing Gen AI to staff and students’ [poster], presented at HEA Teaching and Learning Conference 2024; Driving Changes in Teaching and Learning through Policy and Innovation, December 12th, available: https://hub.teachingandlearning.ie/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/v1-HEA-TL-Case-studies-1-25.pdf [accessed December 11th 2024].
Breen, M., Delaney, S., (2022) “Making it work: doing a Virtual Work Placement during Covid-19” [poster], presented at CONUL Conference, May 2022, Limerick, Ireland.
Breen,M., Ó hAodha, M. (2019) “Enhancing Student Literacy with Online Readings Lists” [poster], presented at Academic and Special Libraries Conference, 29 March 2019.
Delaunois I.; Egan S. M. (2019) The birth of CASPIR – Critical Appraisal Skills Program Ireland. EAHIL 2019
Hunt, I., Ó hAodha, M. (2019) “The Academia-Industry Interface: Learning Paradigms, Synergies and Value” presented at 12th International Conference on Engaging Pedagogy (ICEP), University of Limerick (UL), December 2019.
Meskell, P. et al, (2019) ‘Handover documents used in the transfer of older persons from long term care facilities into acute care services’ [Poster], presented at the 11th Annual Conference of the All Ireland Gerontological Nurses Association (AIGNA), May 2 2019.
Meskell, P. et al, (2019) ‘Informing the development of a National Transfer Document for older persons transferring between residential and acute care settings’ [Poster], presented at the 67th Irish Gerontological Society (IGS), 26-29 September.
Breen, M., Meen, K., Ronan, S. (2018) ‘Transformative CPD in our library workforce: using Open Digital Badges as accreditation in Rudaí23’ presented at Conul Annual Conference, 30 & 31 May 2018.
Bracken, F., Delaunois, I. and Dore, L. (2017) ‘Searching systematically for your research’ presented at Conul Annual Conference, 30-31 May 2017.
Carmody, J. and Bennett, J. (2017) ‘National Dance Archive of Ireland takes centre stage at the University of Limerick; how the library at UL managed the process of curating this donated collection’ [poster], presented at Conul Annual Conference, 30-31 May 2017.
Butler, A. and Keogh, S. (2017) ‘The Road to ULIR & Beyond: One Author’s Experience’ [poster], presented at Conul Annual Conference, 30-31 May 2017.
Keogh, S. and Garvey, D. (2017) ‘Embargoing or Embarstaying: shining a light on theses embargo rates at the University of Limerick’ [poster], presented at Conul Annual Conference, 30-31 May 2017.
Breen, M. and O’Shea, L. (2017) ‘Making Every Seat Count in academic libraries: dealing with desk reserving’ [poster], presented at QQML 2017 9th Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference, 23-26 May 2017.
Derven, C. (2016) Modelling Geographical Elements in Joyce’s Ulysses, presented at Oxford Digital Humanities Summer School, Oxford (UK), 04-08 Jul 2016, available: https://digital.humanities.ox.ac.uk/posters-2016
Dore, L. and McSharry, B. (2015b) 'Digital literacy...a skill for life' [poster], presented at EdTech 2015- Beyond the Horizon: Policy, Practice and Possibilities, 28 May, available: http://www.slideshare.net/GlucksmanLibraryUL/edtech-poster-may-2015 [accessed 18 Nov 2015].
Bracken, F. (2014) '5 ways to increase the impact of your research!', presented at UL Hospitals Annual Research Symposium 2014, 24 Oct., available: http://ulir.ul.ie/handle/10344/4125 [accessed 11 Nov 2014].
Dalton, M. (2012) 'Integrating information skills training to support evidence-based diabetes care', presented at Croí HSE West Integrated Diabetes Care Conference, available: http://ulir.ul.ie/handle/10344/2690 [accessed 13 Nov 2014].
Reilly, P. (2010) '23 Things@UL navigating learners through a web 2.0 universe' presented at LILAC: Librarians Information Literacy Annual Conference, 29-31 Mar.
Ganchev, I., Stojanov, S., Ó hAodha, M. (2010) ‘Libraries and Mobile Learning: Some Future Student- Centred Paradigms’ presented at IUISC, Irish Universities Information Services Colloquium 2010
Swiatek, C., McCaffrey, C., Meyer, T., Svenbro, A., Brinken, H., Egerton, F., Wojciechowska, A. & Clavel, K. (2020) 'Open science training methods and practices across European research libraries', LIBER Publications, available: https://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3903141
McCaffrey, C., Meyer, T, Riera Quintero, C, Swiatek, C., Marcerou-Ramel, N, Gillén C., Clavel, K, Wojciechowska, A, Brinken, H., Prevoo, M., Egerton, F. (2020) 'Open Science Skills Visualisation', LIBER, available: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3702401
Geraghty, A. and Ó Doibhlin, D. eds (2011) Integrating information literacy into the curriculum, CONUL: the Consortium of National and University Libraries (2011) [online] available: http://www.library.nuigalway.ie/media/jameshardimanlibrary/content/documents/support/CONULACILbookletfinal.pdf ACILbookletfinal.pdf [accessed 24 Nov 2014].
Please get in touch with us directly if you have any questions or comments.