In an increasingly complex digital world, students must be equipped with the skills to discover good quality sources for their assignments or research projects, know how to use, manage apply and critically evaluate the information that they find. In addition, they should know how to share and communicate this information responsibly.
These are all critical skills for students to transfer to the workplace and into the future. 

The librarians at UL offer the following classes to build student skills and confidence in interacting with
online scholarly material.

Students can reserve a place at any of the library’s classes

Overview and introduction to Library Services for students
Introduction to Library services at UL (for new students)
Need to know, a refresher on using the library at UL (for returning students)

Skills for academic success, supporting student assignments
Getting ready for academic success, study skills, time management, reading tips
Why and how to take good notes at lectures 
7 Steps to Assignment Success
Presenting your work visually
Canva Walk Thru

Searching Skills & Scholarly Sources 
Searching Online Databases 
Sourcing copyright free images for your assignments
Doing a Literature Review using the library’s resources
Set up for success with your FYP
Thesis preparation: how the library resources support you

Critically Evaluating Information, navigating misinformation
Critically evaluating sources using the CRAAP test 
Spotting Fake News and misinformation

Academic Referencing, how to avoid plagiarism
Citing it right: an introduction to Harvard UL
Harvard UL Referencing Workshop
How to use EndNote Web for your academic referencing – a weekly drop in

Online supports for students and lecturing staff

The library’s teaching is supported by short instructional videos. Lecturers may use any of these videos in your teaching: 

Find a Book or Ebook  
Searching for a Journal Article
5 Tips for Reading Journal Articles 
Finding the Literature Part 1Finding the Literature Part 2

Know your sources for your research

Independent online skills development 

The library has subject training guides for each major subject area in UL. Students can use these guides to determine the most suitable resources for their academic work. 

Library classes are advertised through social media channels and by email to students.  Lecturers can direct their students to the Library Events Calendar or contact the library to arrange a workshop with your students. 

Developing digital and information literacy skills will help your students to do better research for their assignments, use scholarly sources correctly and be more efficient and confident users of online academic material.