Library Link: CONUL Access Scheme, (new name for ALCID) is a co-operative access scheme agreed between Irish academic libraries.
UL library is a member of the Library Link: CONUL Access Scheme .The scheme allows access to the collections of participating libraries on production of a Library Link membership card. The card is available to full-time academics, academic-related staff and registered students reading for taught or research Masters and Doctoral degrees. It is not available to undergraduates or students studying for a postgraduate diploma.
Please note that full-time taught Masters' programmes are acceptable (e.g. MA in International Tourism, various MSc programmes etc.) GEMS students (Medical students) in UL are undergraduates, and therefore do not qualify for Library Links cards. Full-time (only) postgraduate diploma students may qualify for access to the SCONUL scheme. A Library Link card entitles the bearer to read-only access to participant libraries.
To obtain a Library Link card, please call to the Information Desk with your ID card.
Please note:
- Your Library Link card is valid for one year or until your UL ID card is renewed if this happens within the year.
- You must have your UL ID card with you as well as your Library Link card when you visit another library.
- When you visit another library, you will be subject to the regulations of that library.
- You may not borrow materials from the participating libraries.
- Check library websites for opening hours.
The colleges in the scheme include:
- Dublin City University
- TU | Technological University Dublin
- National University of Ireland, Galway
- National University of Ireland, Maynooth
- Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland
- Royal Irish Academy
- Royal Irish Academy of Music
- Trinity College Dublin
- University College Cork
- University College Dublin
- University of Limerick
- University of Ulster
Please get in touch with us directly if you have any questions or comments.