If you are unable to return a book or need to keep the item for longer than the standard loan period, your loan will automatically renew for up to 365 days, except in cases where:
a) Another student or staff member has recalled the book, in which case you will receive an email letting you know and that the item must be returned within 7 days.
b) The book has been out on loan to you for more than 365 days.
c) Your staff or student record has expired.
-Students with registration questions should contact: Student Hub Online
-Staff members can renew their ID card by contacting HR at: compandbens@ul.ie
Despite the ease of Automatic Renewals, the Library encourages you to return item(s) that you have read or no longer need as soon as possible, to maintain the circulation and re-use of library material.
Please get in touch with us directly if you have any questions or comments.