Anne Marie Sloane is a registered Advanced Nurse Practitioner in Liaison Psychiatry, UHL.

Anne Marie qualified in 1998 from University of Stirling with a Diploma in Mental Health Nursing. An advocate for lifelong learning she went on to complete BSc Nursing, PGDip Psychosocial Interventions in Mental Health, MSc in Nursing (Research), PG Cert in Nurse Prescribing, PG Cert in Advanced Practice Nursing and PG Cert in trauma informed theory and practice. Currently she is undertaking PG Dip in cognitive behaviour psychotherapy.

Having trained and worked in Scotland for a time she returned to Ireland in 2000 and worked in the Cork mental health services as a staff nurse in various setting including inpatient and community services until 2014 when she took up a Clinical Nurse Specialist role in Midwest mental health services. 

 she engages in clinical practice at an advanced nursing level, engaging in mental health assessment and full episodes of care for individuals experiencing mental health difficulties in the general hospital setting, coordinating care while in hospital and subsequently across secondary and tertiary care where indicated. 

Anne Marie has been involved in service and policy development within her own area and the UHL in various departments particularly the ED to improve the mental health care experience service provision there. Anne Marie has provided consultancy expertise to healthcare professionals in the development of services and policy documents to improve the hospital experience for service users. She regularly works collaboratively providing education formally and informally on mental illness and mental health services.