Professor Alice Coffey
Professor of Nursing and Midwifery
T: +353 61 234279
M: +353 86 0498148
Email: nmresearch@ul.ie
Welcome from The Chair
The mission of the School of Nursing and Midwifery is to "engage in dynamic and transformational teaching and research that make a significant contribution to improving the health and wellbeing of local, national and global communities". To achieve this we conduct interdisciplinary research in collaboration with local, national, and international partners and research centres, clinical partners, health service professionals, and patient and public involvement.
Our research contributes to new knowledge, evidence, and innovation that informs health professional practice, health policy, and planning and is relevant to the health and wellbeing of local, national, and international communities. With our growing network of local, national, and international partners, we aim to conduct research that has an impact in the real world through translation and implementation of evidence to practice and policy.
Contact School of Nursing and Midwifery
Health Sciences Building, North Bank Campus, University of Limerick
Email: nm@ul.ie