Applicants normally require a minimum academic qualification at primary degree level. It is recognised that learning can and does occur outside of traditional routes. The School of Nursing and Midwifery is committed to the principles of equity and accessibility and facilitates entry to programmes through non-traditional routes. Applicants who do not meet the normal academic requirements may apply to have prior learning considered under the University of Limerick's policy on the recognition of prior learning (RPL).
RPL is an assessment process that determines the extent to which an applicant has achieved the required competencies and standards for entry into a higher-level programme of study. The prior learning may have been acquired by formal, non-formal or informal routes. In applying RPL, the University is cognisant of the need to ensure that the integrity of its awards is rigorously guarded and that academic standards are maintained. The accreditation of prior learning may be used only in the context of making an application for admission to a particular programme.
Non-degree-holder applicants to the school's masters' programmes need to demonstrate that they can perform adequately at this level. They also need to be aware that these programmes require a high level of commitment in terms of time and study. Applicants must have good academic writing and computer skills.
Applicants can apply by submitting an application form and a supporting statement* to Graduate and Professional Studies, Engineering Research Building, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland (tel. +353 61 234377). Application forms are available from the Graduate and Professional Studies Office.
Supporting Statement
The supporting statement should take the form of a reflective learning statement that identifies the applicant's prior learning and experiences. Assessors of applications will give due regard to professional and statutory accredited study.
The supporting statement must be presented in essay form and submitted as a word-processed document not exceeding 1,000 words. It must be written in an academic style and must include an introduction, a main section, a conclusion and, where applicable, appendices.
The introduction must specify why you want to undertake this programme of study and how you think the programme will contribute to your personal and professional development.
Main Section
The main section of the statement must describe an experience from practice and must demonstrate how learning has occurred through this experience. The main section must not exceed 800 words.
The conclusion should summarise the main points presented in the supporting statement. It can also be used to list references to any published works that you have referred to in the main section.
Use appendices to include evidence of having undertaken recent learning, such as completed courses, skills updates or study days attended. A photocopy of certification is sufficient.
* RPL applicants who have successfully completed a level 9 module are not required to submit a supporting statement. Instead, a transcript of the successfully completed level 9 module must be submitted with the application form.
Acceptance Criteria
Applications are considered under the following criteria:
Is the evidence genuine and clearly defended as your own achievement?
Is the evidence sufficient and does it support your claim?
Are the learning, knowledge, skills and achievements demonstrated through the evidence at an acceptable level?
Is the learning demonstrated through the evidence relevant to the programme of study you are applying for? This means that it will be considered in the context of the learning outcomes of the programme.
Is the learning current, or if not, is there evidence of appropriate updating?
Completed application forms should be submitted to Graduate and Professional Studies, Engineering Research Building, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland (tel. +353 61 234377).
Application forms are available from the Graduate and Professional Studies Office.
Recognition of Prior Learning Application Form
Contact Details:
Graduate and Professional Studies, Engineering Research Building, University of Limerick.
Email: gps@ul.ie
All of the school's postgraduate programmes use blended learning. **Blended learning is a teaching strategy that involves a combination of on-campus days and online teaching and learning. It enables students to access course material online anytime, on or off campus. Blended learning provides flexibility and accessible development opportunities for registered nurses and midwives with family and work commitments. In that regard, attendance is required on campus for six or seven days per semester for level 9 programmes, including the level 9 continuous professional development modules. Furthermore, through the use of technology, blended learning offers opportunities for learners to assume greater independence in their learning.
There is a dedicated lead lecturer on each programme. The course director or lead lecturer will answer any queries you might have before you come to the University and while you are a student. During the programme, support is provided by lecturers on an ongoing basis by phone, email, online lectures and at drop-in clinics.
A significant feature of these programmes is their direct relevance to clinical practice. Programme content is designed to empower students with knowledge and skills to deliver evidence-based nursing and midwifery care in the clinical practice setting. The elective choices offer students the opportunity to select modules relevant to their own practice and develop their knowledge and understanding in order to support patient care
All postgraduate nursing programmes that contain a clinical practicum will require students to have Garda clearance.
Contact School of Nursing and Midwifery
Health Sciences Building, North Bank Campus, University of Limerick
Email: nm@ul.ie