Irene Beirne, RGN, RM, RNP, Diploma Social Studies (Hons), MSc Nursing/Midwifery, RANP Neonatology.
Irene is an Advanced Nurse Practitioner in Neonatology in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), University Maternity Hospital Limerick, Ireland. She provides professional leadership, strategic direction, expert advice and support to the clinical teams.
Contributing to professional development in nursing/midwifery and health policy development at local, regional and national level is within her role. She sits on the ‘National Neonatal Resuscitation Working Group’ to develop national neonatal resuscitation training standards in maternity hospitals. She also sits on the ‘National Expert Advisory Group’ for the revision of neonatal guidelines.
Irene participates in facilitating learning and education of nurses and other health professionals in the clinical area. She provides teaching in the classroom and in the clinical area as well as presenting at conferences, seminars and workshops to enhance the advanced nursing role. In 2022 she presented at the ICN international conference, Dublin and the UL Research and Innovation Conference. In 2019 she presented at the International Europaediatric conference, Dublin and jENS conference,Maastricht.
Irene leads on quality and safety improvement through audit, risk management and standard setting projects in conjunction with clinical governance. She co-chairs the UMHL Neonatal Audit Committee and Governance committee.
Her most recent publications, co-authored ‘A repeated cross-sectional analysis of breastfeeding initiation rates in Ireland for two decades and 10 recommended priorities for improvement (Maternal and Child Nutrition 2022). Lead author in ‘providing culturally sensitive care in the neonatal setting to infants whose parents are from the Irish Traveller Community’ (Journal of Transcultural Nursing 2020). Other publications ‘Paediatric Research’ (2019), ‘Archive of Childhood Disease (2019), Irish Institute of Health Sciences (2018).
She carries the profession of nursing/midwifery in high regard and is committed and dedicated to providing high quality neonatal care to newborn infants and their families.
Contact School of Nursing and Midwifery
Health Sciences Building, North Bank Campus, University of Limerick