Justin Gleeson qualified as an RGN in 1999 from University College Hospital Galway and was awarded a Bachelor in Nursing Studies the following year from the National University of Ireland, Galway. In 2003 he was awarded a Post Graduate Diploma in Midwifery from Trinity College, Dublin and the Rotunda Hospital. He held many positions as a staff midwife and clinical midwife manager in the Rotunda Hospital until taking up the position as a Clinical Midwife Specialist with the HSE Addiction Service in 2007. In 2022, Justin took the position as Clinical Midwife Specialist for the Southeast Regional Addiction Services covering the maternity units in Wexford, Waterford, Kilkenny, Carlow and Tipperary.
As one of the only three Drug Liaison Midwives (DLMs) in Ireland, Justin’s specialised skills provide a great resource for the maternity and addiction services, as well as the women themselves. Justin moves between the obstetric service and the drug treatment service to ensure that the women are followed comprehensively in both services and that good communication exists between both teams. The teams provide information on the possible effects of drug use in pregnancy and give on-going support in accessing priority drug treatment and admission to residential in patient drug treatment centres. DLMs are proactive in providing education to staff and students in hospitals, universities, drug clinics and the community regarding treatment and overall care of pregnant drug dependent women. They are involved in research around drug use in pregnancy and actively audit their own practice each year.
Contact School of Nursing and Midwifery
Health Sciences Building, North Bank Campus, University of Limerick
Email: nm@ul.ie