This project set out to examine the effectiveness of a video-based educational intervention, developed to provide guidance to healthcare professionals on perinatal mental health related stigma reduction strategies.

School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Limerick 

Dr Maria Noonan, Principal Investigator

Ms Melissa Brown

Dr Teresa Tuohy  

Dr Carmel Bradshaw

Dr Sylvia Murphy Tighe

Dr Sandra Atkinson 

Dr Louise Murphy 

Dr Annmarie Grealish

Dr Kevin Johnson

Specialist Perinatal Mental Health Team, University Maternity Hospital Limerick

Dr Mas Mohamad, MB BCh BAO, BMedSci, MRCPI, MRCPsych

Maria Gibbons, Clinical Adjunct Lecturer

Dr Niamh O’Dwyer, Senior Clinical Psychologist

Dr Mendinaro Imcha, Consultant Obstetrician


Noonan, M., Brown, M., Gibbons, M., Tuohy, T., Johnson, K., Bradshaw, C., Murphy Tighe, S., Atkinson, S., Murphy, L., Mohamad, M., Imcha, M., O'Dwyer, N.,  Grealish, AM. (2024) Evaluation of the effectiveness of a video-based educational intervention on perinatal mental health related stigma reduction strategies for healthcare professionals: A single group pre-test-post-test pilot study, Midwifery, 136, 104089, ISSN 0266-6138,
Conference Presentations
Browne, M., Noonan, M., Tuohy, T., Bradshaw, C., Atkinson, S., Murphy Tighe, S., Grealish, A, Gibbons, M., and Murphy, L. (2022) ‘The evaluation of an anti-stigma perinatal mental health educational video for healthcare professionals’, Oral Presentation at Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2022 (THEconf2022), 09-10 March. 
Brown, M., Noonan, M., Gibbons, M., Atkinson, S., Bradshaw, C., Murphy, S., Grealish, AM, Tuohy, T., Murphy, L., Johnson.  (2021) ‘Educational videos on stigma in perinatal mental health’, presented at University Maternity Hospital, Limerick’s (UMHL) Perinatal Mental Health Conference: Collaborate. Change. Celebrate, 05 December.

Funding source: Nursing and Midwifery Innovation Initiatives Funding 2019

Amount of Funding: €9752.54