CPE modules also known as micro-credentials are offered to support the adult and flexible learning needs of nurses and midwives and can be undertaken without registering for a full postgraduate nursing programme. Students can take up to two micro-credentials of study without enrolling on a full programme. Enrolment occurs at the beginning of the Autumn and Spring semester. 

Micro-credentials successfully completed by students have designated ECT credits and if students subsequently register for a postgraduate programme of which these modules are part of, they may apply to the University for exemptions for the completed modules and carry grades forward.

All of the department's postgraduate programmes adopt blended learning. Blended learning is a teaching strategy that involves a combination of on-campus days and online teaching and learning. It enables students to access course material online anytime, on or off campus. Blended learning provides flexibility and accessible development opportunities for registered nurses and midwives with family and work commitments. The micro-credentials listed below are offered on Tuesdays during Autumn and Spring semesters. 

Some micro-credentials will only be offered when sufficient numbers of students are registered for those modules, per semester. You will need to contact the office in advance of each academic semester to inform that you are registered for a CPE module, and to receive details on schedules, times and location of when modules are taught.

University of Limerick is delighted to have received 50% funding for a select number of micro-credentials in the Department of Nursing and Midwifery under the HCI Micro-Credential Course Learner Subsidy.

Please see the micro-credentials below for more information. 

Thank you for your interest in the University of Limerick Certificate of Study. 

See the following link for information on the Limerick CNME funding process https://healthservice.hse.ie/about-us/onmsd/cpd-for-nurses-and-midwives/cnme-limerick.html

If it is your intention to apply for funding for a module, please ensure funding is in place before submitting your application. 

Please note: Not all modules run in each Semester, please ensure your chosen module is running prior to application. This information is available when you select "Apply Now" on the website. 

CURRENT USER - To apply as a current UL user please log in using your personal email address and password.  If your password needs to be changed please let me know.

NEW USER - If you have not applied to UL using the online application process before please select ‘new user’.  From there you will create a username and password, please take note of these in case you need to save the application and return to it later.   Remember to use upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols in both the username and password. 

If you experience any difficulties creating an account please check the type of browser you are using - Google Chrome can cause problems in some instances.

FEES: The fees for UCOS Single modules are:

                Standard Module Fee €568 EU - €1,623 Non EU

                9 credit module: €800 EU - €1,500 Non EU

                12 credit module: €1,050 EU - €1,900 Non EU

                15 credit modules: €1,300  EU - €2,400 Non-EU

Once your appliction is processed you will be instructed how to pay the fees or be asked to provide a Funding Letter if applicable.

Nursing Midwifery + Healthcare

Click on the short course that interests you for more details

September Intake
Course Credits Start Date Duration
Leadership in Health Professional Education - BM6013 9 Sept 2024 06 Weeks
Advanced Assessment in Respiratory Nursing - NS6201 9 Sept 2024 12 Weeks
Health Research Methods and Methodology - NS6036 12 Sept 2024 12 Weeks
Infection Prevention and Control in HealthCare - NS6302 9 Sept 2024 12 Weeks
Leading and Managing Practice - NS6035 9 Sept 2024 12 Weeks
Philosophical Underpinnings of Gerontology Care - NS6411 9 Sept 2024 12 Weeks
Principles of Palliative Care Practice - NS6081 9 Sept 2024 12 Weeks
Principles of Primary and Community Care - NS6034 9 Sept 2024 12 Weeks
Principles Underpinning Dementia Care - NS6071 9 Sept 2024 12 Weeks
Principles Underpinning Perioperative Nursing - NS6091 9 Sept 2024 12 Weeks
Supporting Perinatal Mental Health - NS6051 9 Sept 2024 12 Weeks
Theoretical Underpinnings of Practice Based inquiry - NM8001 15 Sept 2024 12 Weeks
Theories of Psychosocial Assessment and Care - NS6101 9 Sept 2024 12 Weeks
Translational Research - NM8002 15 Sept 2024 06 Weeks


January Intake
Course Credits Start Date Duration
Health Promotion in Healthcare Practice - NS6502 9 Jan 2025 12 Weeks
Health Professional Leadership - NM8012 15 Jan 2025 12 Weeks
Intercultural Care - NS6040 9 Jan 2025 12 Weeks
Leading and Managing Infection Prevention and Control - NS6192 9 Jan 2025 12 Weeks
Management and Co-Ordination of Gerontology Care - NS6412 9 Jan 2025 12 Weeks
Managing and Co-Ordinating Peri-Operative Nursing - NS6082 9 Jan 2025 12 Weeks
Perinatal Bereavement and Loss - NS6122 9 Jan 2025 12 Weeks
Promoting Quality and Safety in Healthcare - NS6038 12 Jan 2025 12 Weeks
Psychosocial Intervention in Mental Health Care - NS6092 9 Jan 2025 12 Weeks
Safety Planning and Risk Management in Mental Health Care - NS6172 9 Jan 2025 12 Weeks
Therapeutic Engagement - NS6042 9 Jan 2025 12 Weeks
Therapeutic Interventions in Dementia Care - NS6062 9 Jan 2025 12 Weeks
Therapeutic Interventions in Palliative Care - NS6072 9 Jan 2025 12 Weeks
Tracheostomy Care - NS6202 9 Jan 2025 12 Weeks
Therapeutic Interventions in Respiratory Nursing  - NS6102 9 Jan 2025 12 Weeks