The group publishes regularly work originating from its research activity in scholarly journals, conferences and events, as well as industry magazines and other online outlets


Halama, R & Kourousis, KI (In Press), 'Ratcheting performance of maraging steel fabricated via laser powder bed fusion: experimental evaluation and numerical prediction', International Journal of Structural Integrity.


O’Neill, I, Dayanand, A, Keaveney, S & Kourousis, KI 2024, 'Tensile anisotropy of powder bed fusion steel 316L: A practical study on the effect of build orientation', Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, vol. 238, no. 10, pp. 2035-2042

O’Driscoll, CJ, Kasha, A & Kourousis, KI 2024, 'Plastic anisotropy of powder bed fusion maraging steel: An experimental replication study', Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, vol. 238, no. 5, pp. 985-988.

McConnell, S, Tanner, D & Kourousis, KI 2024, 'Productivity improvement opportunities for metal powder bed fusion technologies: a systematic literature review', Rapid Prototyping Journal, vol. 30, no. 11.


Yang, X, Gibbons, GJ, Tanner, DA, Li, Z, Wilson, P, Williams, MA & Kotadia, HR 2023, 'Scan strategy induced microstructure and consolidation variation in the laser-powder bed fusion (L-PBF) additive manufacturing of low alloy 20MnCr5 steel', Materials and Design, vol. 232, 112160.

Kasha, A, Srinivasan, KV, Obadimu, SO & Kourousis, KI 2023, 'Immersion corrosion of material extrusion steel 316 L: Influence of immersion time and surface roughness', Materials Today Communications, vol. 35, 106394.

Obadimu, SO, McLaughlin, J & Kourousis, KI 2023, 'Immersion Ultrasonic Testing of Artificially Induced Defects in Fused Filament Fabricated Steel 316L', 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 34-39.

Southern, T, Campbell, JE, Kourousis, KI, Mooney, B, Tang, YT & Clyne, TW 2023, 'Indentation Plastometry for Study of Anisotropy and Inhomogeneity in Maraging Steel Produced by Laser Powder Bed Fusion', Steel Research International, vol. 94, no. 7, 2200881.

Obadimu, SO & Kourousis, KI 2023, 'In-plane compression performance of additively manufactured honeycomb structures: a review of influencing factors and optimisation techniques', International Journal of Structural Integrity, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 337-353.

Thaker, AH, Boreham, P, Kourousis, KI & Ranade, VV 2023, 'Liquid-Liquid Emulsion Produced by 3D-Printed Vortex-Based Hydrodynamic Cavitation Device', Chemical Engineering and Technology, vol. 46, no. 9, pp. 1970-1976.

Obadimu, SO & Kourousis, KI 2023, 'Microscopic and mesoscopic/macroscopic structural characteristics of material extrusion Steel 316L: influence of the fabrication process', International Journal of Structural Integrity, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 314-321.


Obadimu, SO, Kasha, A & Kourousis, KI 2022, 'Tensile performance and plastic anisotropy of material extrusion steel 316L: Influence of primary manufacturing parameters', Additive Manufacturing, vol. 60, 103297.

Obadimu, SO & Kourousis, KI 2022, 'Shrinkage behaviour of material extrusion steel 316L: influence of primary 3D printing parameters', Rapid Prototyping Journal, vol. 28, no. 11, pp. 92-101.

Obadimu, SO & Kourousis, KI 2022, 'Load-rate effects on the in-plane compressive behaviour of additively manufactured steel 316L honeycomb structures', Engineering Structures, vol. 273, 115063.

Kasha, A, Obadimu, SO & Kourousis, KI 2022, 'Flexural characteristics of material extrusion steel 316L: Influence of manufacturing parameters', Additive Manufacturing Letters, vol. 3, 100087.


Obadimu, SO & Kourousis, KI 2021, 'Compressive behaviour of additively manufactured lattice structures: A review', Aerospace, vol. 8, no. 8, 207, pp.-.

Agius, D, Wallbrink, C & Kourousis, KI 2021, 'Efficient modelling of the elastoplastic anisotropy of additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V', Additive Manufacturing, vol. 38, 101826.

Kumar, M, Gibbons, GJ, Das, A, Manna, I, Tanner, D & Kotadia, HR 2021, 'Additive manufacturing of aluminium alloy 2024 by laser powder bed fusion: microstructural evolution, defects and mechanical properties', Rapid Prototyping Journal, vol. 27, no. 7, pp. 1388-1397.

Mouchard, A, Pomeroy, M, Robinson, J, McAuliffe, B, Donovan, S & Tanner, D 2021, 'An analytical method for powder flow characterisation in direct energy deposition', Additive Manufacturing, vol. 42, 101991.


Mooney, B & Kourousis, KI 2020, 'A review of factors affecting the mechanical properties of maraging steel 300 fabricated via laser powder bed fusion', Metals, vol. 10, no. 9, 1273, pp. 1-22.

Mooney, B, Agius, D & Kourousis, KI 2020, 'Cyclic Plasticity of the As-Built EOS Maraging Steel: Preliminary Experimental and Computational Results', Applied Sciences (Switzerland), vol. 10, no. 4, 1232, pp. -.


Mooney, B, Kourousis, KI & Raghavendra, R 2019, 'Plastic anisotropy of additively manufactured maraging steel: Influence of the build orientation and heat treatments', Additive Manufacturing, vol. 25, pp. 19-31.

Mooney, B, Kourousis, KI, Raghavendra, R & Agius, D 2019, 'Process phenomena influencing the tensile and anisotropic characteristics of additively manufactured maraging steel', Materials Science and Engineering: A, vol. 745, pp. 115-125.


Agius, D, Kourousis, KI & Wallbrink, C 2018, 'A modification of the multicomponent Armstrong–Frederick model with multiplier for the enhanced simulation of aerospace aluminium elastoplasticity', International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, vol. 144, pp. 118-133.

Agius, D, Kourousis, KI & Wallbrink, C 2018, 'A review of the as-built SLM Ti-6Al-4V mechanical properties towards achieving fatigue resistant designs', Metals, vol. 8, no. 1, 75.

Agius, D, Kourousis, KI & Wallbrink, C 2018, 'Elastoplastic response of as-built SLM and wrought Ti-6Al-4V under symmetric and asymmetric strain-controlled cyclic loading', Rapid Prototyping Journal, vol. 24, no. 9, pp. 1409-1420.

Kourousis, KI, Athukoralalage, A & De Pellegrin, D 2018, 'A simple model to estimate yield stress and variation of hardness in railheads', Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, vol. 232, no. 4, pp. 1193-1196.

Agius, D, Kajtaz, M, Kourousis, KI, Wallbrink, C & Hu, W 2018, 'Optimising the multiplicative AF model parameters for AA7075 cyclic plasticity and fatigue simulation', Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, vol. 90, no. 2, pp. 251-260.


Agius, D, Kourousis, KI, Wallbrink, C, Hu, W, Wang, CH & Dafalias, YF 2017, 'Aluminum alloy 7075 ratcheting and plastic shakedown evaluation with the multiplicative armstrong-frederick model', AIAA Journal, vol. 55, no. 7, pp. 2461-2470.

Athukorala, AC, De Pellegrin, DV & Kourousis, KI 2017, 'A unified material model to predict ratcheting response in head-hardened rail steel due to non-uniform hardness distributions', Tribology International, vol. 111, pp. 26-38.

Agius, D, Wallbrink, C & Kourousis, KI 2017, 'Cyclic Elastoplastic Performance of Aluminum 7075-T6 Under Strain- and Stress-Controlled Loading', Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, vol. 26, no. 12, pp. 5769-5780.

Agius, D, Kourousis, KI, Wallbrink, C & Song, T 2017, 'Cyclic plasticity and microstructure of as-built SLM Ti-6Al-4V: The effect of build orientation', Materials Science and Engineering: A, vol. 701, pp. 85-100.

Agius, D, Wallbrink, C, Hu, W, Kajtaz, M, Wang, CH & Kourousis, KI 2017, 'On the utilisation of nonlinear plasticity models in military aircraft fatigue estimation: A preliminary comparison', Aerospace Science and Technology, vol. 71, pp. 25-29.

Agius, D, Kajtaz, M, Kourousis, KI, Wallbrink, C, Wang, CH, Hu, W & Silva, J 2017, 'Sensitivity and optimisation of the Chaboche plasticity model parameters in strain-life fatigue predictions', Materials and Design, vol. 118, pp. 107-121.


Athukorala, AC, De Pellegrin, DV & Kourousis, KI 2016, 'Characterisation of head-hardened rail steel in terms of cyclic plasticity response and microstructure for improved material modelling', Wear, vol. 366-367, pp. 416-424.

Kourousis, KI, Agius, D, Wang, C & Subic, A 2016, 'Constitutive modeling of additive manufactured Ti-6Al-4V cyclic elastoplastic behaviour', Technische Mechanik, vol. 36, no. 1-2, pp. 57-72.

Phaiboonworachat, A & Kourousis, KI 2016, 'Cyclic elastoplastic behaviour, hardness and microstructural properties of Ti-6Al-4V manufactured through selective laser melting', International Journal of Materials Engineering Innovation, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 80-87.

Agius, DJ, Kourousis, KI, Takla, M & Subic, A 2016, 'Enhanced non-linear material modelling for analysis and qualification of rollover protective structures', Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, vol. 230, no. 11, pp. 1558-1568.


Kourousis, KI & Dafalias, YF 2013, 'Constitutive modeling of Aluminum Alloy 7050 cyclic mean stress relaxation and ratcheting', Mechanics Research Communications, vol. 53, pp. 53-56.


Feigenbaum, HP, Dugdale, J, Dafalias, YF, Kourousis, KI & Plesek, J 2012, 'Multiaxial ratcheting with advanced kinematic and directional distortional hardening rules', International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 49, no. 22, pp. 3063-3076.


Dafalias, YF, Kourousis, KI & Saridis, GJ 2008, 'Multiplicative AF kinematic hardening in plasticity', International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 45, no. 10, pp. 2861-2880.


Hizli, B., Dogan, S., Toparli, B.M., Ince, U., Boreham, P., Kourousis, K., 2023. The Investigation of Mechanical Properties and Performance of Additively Manufactured Stainless Steel Bolts, International Conference on Materials Science and Manufacturing (ICMSM) 2023, 17-18 November 2023, Online.


Obadimu S.O., Kasha A., Kourousis, K.I., 2022. 12th EASN International Conference on Innovation in Aviation and Space for opening New Horizons, 20 October 2022, Barcelona, Spain.

Obadimu, S., Kourousis, K.I., 2022. In Plane Compression of Material Extrusion & Laser Powder Bed Fusion Steel 316L Honeycomb: An Evaluation of the Load rate Effect, 12th EASN International Conference on Innovation in Aviation and Space for opening New Horizons, 20 October 2022, Barcelona, Spain.


Obadimu, S., Kourousis, K.I., 2021. Load-rate effects of Additively Manufactured Metallic Honeycomb Structures under Compression, East Europe Conference on AM materials, 02 September 2021, Online. 

Kourousis, K.I. 2021. Exploring the Low Cycle Fatigue Performance of FFF Steel 316L, ASME AM Industry Summit, 04 August 2021, Online.

Obadimu, S. 2021. Destructive and Non-Destructive Testing of Additively Manufactured Ultrafuse 316L Samples, Presentation, Winter Workshop on Manufacturing, Mechanics & Characterisation of Advanced Engineering Materials, University of Luxembourg & University of Limerick, 28 January 2021, Online.


Kourousis K.I., 2020. On the Elastoplastic Characteristics of the Additively Manufactured Maraging Steel, Invited Talk, Conference: Experimental Stress Analysis 2020, 20 October 2020, Online, Czech Republic.


Kourousis K.I., 2019. Anisotropy of Additively Manufactured Maraging Steel 300: Characterisation and Control towards Certification, Aircraft Airworthiness and Sustainment Conference 2019, Washington DC, USA.

Kourousis K.I., 2019. Identifying the Anisotropic and Cyclic Inelastic Characteristics of the Ti-6Al-4V and Maraging Steel 300 fabricated via Additive Manufacturing, International Symposium on Metallic 3/4D Printing, Drexel University, Philadelphia PA, USA.


Kourousis K.I., Agius D., 2017. Insights on the Cyclic Inelastic Response of SLM Ti-6Al-4V, Irish Polymers and Materials Conference 2017: New Materials for 3D Printing/Additive Manufacturing, Dublin, Ireland.

Agius D., Kourousis K.I., Wallbrink C., Song T., 2017. The Influence of Build Direction on the Plastic Anisotropy of SLM Ti-6Al-4V subjected to Strain-controlled Cyclic Loading, Society of Engineering Science (SES) Technical Meeting 2017 & ASME-AMD Joint Conference, Boston, MA, USA.

Kourousis K.I., Agius D., Wallbrink C., Brandt M., Wang C.H., 2017. Uniaxial Cyclic Stress-Strain Behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V Additively Manufactured by Selective Laser Melting, 20th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Dublin, Ireland.


Agius D., Wallbrink C., Hu W., Kourousis K.I., Wang C.H., Kajtaz M., 2016. Fatigue Analysis of Transport Aircraft Structures using Advanced Cyclic Plasticity Models – an Assessment, 10th International Conference on Structural Integrity and Failure (SIF-2016), Adelaide, SA, Australia.


Kourousis, K.I., Agius D., Wang C., Subic, A. 2015. Constitutive Modeling of Additive Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V Cyclic Elastoplastic Behaviour, 4th International Conference on Material Modeling, Berkeley, CA, USA.

Agius D., Mladenko K., Kourousis K.I., 2015. An Optimisation Methodology for the Determination of Cyclic Plasticity Models’ Parameters, 2nd Australasian Conference on Computational Mechanics, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.


Halama, R., Kourousis, K.I., Pagac, M., Pask, Z., 2021 Cyclic Plasticity of Additively Manufactured Metals, Cyclic Plasticity of Metals, 1st Edition, Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands. ISBN 978-0-12-819293-1
