On the Bachelor of Science in Social Science, first year students choose four subjects from the nine disciplines available. They study one module per subject in first year and their fifth module is a core data science module.
Course introduction by course director, Professor Ross Macmillan
Now click on each subject below to watch an introductory video -
- Digital Culture and Communication
- Economics
- Geography^
- History
- Linguistics with TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)
- Politics and International Relations
- Psychology^*
- Public Administration & Leadership
- Sociology
^Note that it is not possible to take Geography and Psychology together but all other subject combinations are possible in first year. Please see the table on the course page for combinations available from second year onwards.
*Note that places on psychology are limited after year 1
Fifth Module
The final fifth module each semester will relate to data science. A key feature of the BSc is a core set of modules that introduces data science. The expansion of information technologies has made the world literally awash with data and increasing number of organizations incorporate data collections and data analytics into their everyday operations. Data science is an interdisciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms, and complex systems to extract knowledge and information from data and then apply insights to a range of human and non-human endeavors. The data science core in the BSc introduces students to conceptual, philosophical, ethical, and practical and managerial issues around data, shows what the key types of data are, how they are collected, and how they reflect core themes and issues in the different social sciences, and provides an introduction to web-scraping techniques for harvesting data in the virtual world. With this core, the programme provides a 21st century approach to the social sciences and provides an entry into one of the fastest growing fields in contemporary society.
- A full year by year breakdown of modules can be found on the prospectus page for BSc. Social Sciences
Email: ahss@ul.ie
Phone: +353-61-202700
Postal Address: AHSS Faculty Office, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland.